Recent content by Erin0830

  1. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    @Chelles I'm so sorry you are going through this. I feel so bad for you because I know how crazy it is driving me. I hope one day it will go away for you. I did see on another site that some lady had it for a year and then it disappeared. She said to never give up hope. I saw that a little...
  2. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Did it start out infrequently like mine?
  3. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    When it gets set off, it will last anywhere from 30-60 minutes. Then calms down, then a few hours later will set off again. I know people have this so much worse than me. But I have terrible anxiety and my biggest fear is that it will continue 24/7
  4. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Okay thanks, mine, I'm almost sure is the Tensor Tympani. Going to try the magnesium today. I'm just so depressed. My fears keep spiraling out of control, I'll keep losing sleep, I won't be able to function at work, I'll lose my job, etc, etc,
  5. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    @Chelles okay thank you. Thought I was bothering you for a minute! Did you know why magnesium oxide is recommended vs magnesium citrate? Also how did you know exactly which muscles were twitching? Did the Dr see the muscles twitching? Of course when I went it wasn't doing anything so the dr...
  6. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Chelles, I'm sorry. Am I bothering you?
  7. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Have you spoken to him about it? I wonder what the success rate is? I am in Maryland, not too far from that. I know the surgery doesn't always work, but I wonder why if the muscles are cut? How did they rule out that yours wasn't tensor tympani syndrome? What is the difference between that and...
  8. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Also, I know you said there isn't much that the Dr.'s can do, however are they going to look me at me like I'm crazy when I mention this middle myoclonus? my family all does and its very depressing, I just want to go and talk to someone who believes this is a real thing. I'm almost afraid to...
  9. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Thank you for your support! I appreciate all of the help you have provided. Yes, I am in the US. How about you? I have read that Magnesium Oxide 400mg once a day can help. What kind of Magnesium did you take and how much?
  10. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Thank you for all of your help. One last quick question, did your Dr agree with you that it could be Tensor Tympani syndrome? I'm just curious because I'm going to bring it up to my Dr, but I'm afraid he will think I'm crazy since I hear this condition is so rare. But what else could it be? Do...
  11. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Oh my gosh you poor thing! Mine has been going on for about 3 weeks, so definitely not as long as you. I had no idea that you had it in both ears. I keep reading about Tensor Tympani syndrome and a surgery as a last resort to cut the muscles. Have you heard of this or mentioned it to your DR...
  12. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Also, have you given up hope that it will go away? I thought it would at first, but everyday that it goes on, I lose more and more hope.
  13. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Thanks, I will have to try that when I sleep. The only medication that I have tried is Flonase. This reminds me of a muscle spasm one would get with an eye twitch so I don't know if anything will help it. It's so frustrating. Does yours bother you every day? Did they rule out your...
  14. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Yes, I went to the ENT and he said it was the Eustachian tube, thought it was swollen, and put me on Flonase, however I don't see any improvement with the Flonase and I do not think it is ETD. It even comes on with stretching now. like a muscle spasm. It it not 24/7 thank goodness but I am...
  15. E

    Left Ear Twitching?

    Hi Chelles, I have been researching this topic because my ear is doing the same thing with twitching and making a boom sound like tapping on a microphone after yawning or belching sets it off. I am so afraid this will never stop, has yours gone away and what helped? Thanks so much!