Recent content by Error404

  1. Error404

    Is There a Correlation Between High Intelligence and Tinnitus Being More Bothersome?

    No idea. High functioning aspie here with a PhD (philosophy), and doing a postdoc. I don't think of myself as more intelligent than most - I simply have an ability in a fairly specific area. My emotional intelligence could certainly use some work. I'm no longer significantly bothered by my...
  2. Error404

    Is It Severe Tinnitus When You Hear the Tinnitus Very Clearly Over Most Noises?

    I'd say it depends upon the individual. I have 24/7 low frequency T that I hear over everything, and I do mean everything. Last week, I heard it clearly over an aeroplane engine for three hours. Right now I'm watching the t.v and it's blaring away. Would I say this is severe? No. It's just ...
  3. Error404

    My Earliest Memory Is Hearing a Constant Tone

    I'm 37 and have had T, plus musical hallucinations, for at least 32 years that I can recall. Recently, low pitched sounds have joined the 24/7 orchestra. But mine is clearly a manifestation of sensorineural deafness: it has (recent changes excepted) always been my normal.
  4. Error404

    Level Scale of Tinnitus — How Is It Measured?

    By that scale, mine is a 9-10. I have 24/7 low frequency sounds, including musical hallucinations. By my own scale, I'd rate it a 2-3. I have mostly stopped caring: it is just another manifestation of my deafness and can do me no harm. I confess I'm always perplexed by people massively stressed...
  5. Error404

    Don’t Know If I Can Keep Going

    Hi Tracy, If you don't fear most side-effects from anti-depressants, then why fear an exacerbation of your T? It's most unlikely to occur. I was in your position from Feb-May: in fact, I spent nearly three months in bed terrified to move, interrupted my post-doc, and had my partner watching me...
  6. Error404

    Tinnitus Starts and Stops Randomly and Daily?

    This is me. I am deaf and have always had high-pitched ringing (don't care about it - it's my silence). Then, in Feb, 24/7 low frequency T started: it was horrendous, overpowering my entire head, multiple sounds (banging, static, electrical zapping, whooshing, etc) along with my cochlear...
  7. Error404

    I'm Losing It. Not Doing Well.

    The visual disorder is called Charles Bonnet Syndrome: at it's worst, people hallucinate entire scenes that take over their visual field. I imagine if this was every day, you'd quickly become extremely depressed. My deafness has never bothered me. I know it sounds odd, but I've never regarded...
  8. Error404

    Tinnitus Gone in the Morning, Returns When I Think About It — Help Me Please

    I too am struggling with this. Some tones seem to occur only when I think about them, so I am hopeful that this may start extending to more of them. However, it's like saying 'Don't think of an orange' (I bet you're now thinking about one). If I wake up and it's quiet I think "great, no T" and...
  9. Error404

    Suggestion for Those with Pulsatile Tinnitus — Get a Scan and See a Specialist

    Yup. Though I was relieved that there is no serious cause, I'm annoyed that I can't do much about it. Turns out I have a "high jugular bulb" and something about the sigmoid sinus vein protruding into the mastoid. My mastoid bone is also opacified (cloudy) but not from infection - seems to be a...
  10. Error404

    I'm Losing It. Not Doing Well.

    Well let's see. Prior to the onset of my 24/7 unmaskable T, I had finished my PhD with excellent results, had started a postdoc after lecturing, and am fortunate enough to be financially comfortable: we have a nice house, go on regular holidays, can more or less afford to do what we want (within...
  11. Error404

    I'm Losing It. Not Doing Well.

    @Bam (Knoll? ;-]), The BTA are indeed strange. There was a representative at my local tinnitus support group, and she started going on about how we can all mask it by hearing aids, listening to nature sounds, and being mindful etc. Then about 4-5 of us said that ours is unmaskable and 24/7. She...
  12. Error404

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    @Bam, Yup, have Valium as needed too! Though my GP is reluctant to prescribe it unless I'm having a major mental health episode. I'm on Sertraline for now which seems to be doing something in that my anxiety levels are coming down: I don't fear the T anymore, it's more how are we supposed to...
  13. Error404

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    @Bam PTSD is right. I feel like my life is divided into 'before' and 'after' this insanity began. Life is presently lived at a very slow pace as I simply do not have the mental resources for anything else. It is an achievement to get out of bed knowing that you have to face the day with a...
  14. Error404

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    @Bam, Like you, I had a trip to A & E shortly after onset. I was shaking and suicidal. I thought my cochlear implant might have been infected as I couldn't believe that "normal" T could manifest itself as a noise that overpowers the entire head with banging sounds, sound distortion, and...
  15. Error404

    I'm Not Committing Suicide. I'm Being Murdered by Merciless Tinnitus.

    This is why I'm somewhat exasperated by my audiologist suggesting, despite my being profoundly deaf enough to have a cochlear implant, that my severe unmaskable 24/7 is largely psychological. I also went to a local tinnitus support group and a representative from the British Tinnitus Association...