Recent content by Farida

  1. Farida

    Rumbling or low vinrating effect in ears after dental work, is it permanent ?

    Rumbling or low vinrating effect in ears after dental work, is it permanent ?
  2. Farida

    So bad that I want to end it all

    So bad that I want to end it all
  3. Farida

    Welp.... Hello Merniere's

    Welp.... Hello Merniere's
  4. Farida

    My VSS has gotten so severe that I can't walk properly, every montgh new symptoms leep on adding...

    My VSS has gotten so severe that I can't walk properly, every montgh new symptoms leep on adding up, I just want all of this to end
  5. Farida

    I really hate kids (actually not really)... all of thi shit happened because a rative of mine...

    I really hate kids (actually not really)... all of thi shit happened because a rative of mine screamed into my ear..
  6. Farida

    The ticking/clicking on my ear is making me lose my shit

    The ticking/clicking on my ear is making me lose my shit
  7. Farida

    I will prbably give it a mobth, if it persists I will consult an ENT

    I will prbably give it a mobth, if it persists I will consult an ENT
  8. Farida

    My ear is clicking every damn second, is that ETD ? TTTS ? Can it go away ?

    My ear is clicking every damn second, is that ETD ? TTTS ? Can it go away ?
  9. Farida

    Still don't know why my ear distorts while talking, it makes strange robot noises... doss...

    Still don't know why my ear distorts while talking, it makes strange robot noises... doss anybody have any idea what it might be ?
  10. Farida

    I can't beleive my VS is turned out to be a total nightmare

    I can't beleive my VS is turned out to be a total nightmare
  11. Farida

    @ZFire The ola o e

    @ZFire The ola o e
  12. Farida

    My can won't let me sleep

    My can won't let me sleep
  13. Farida

    @Damocles thank you for giving me the clue about the hgost mate :D

    @Damocles thank you for giving me the clue about the hgost mate :D
  14. Farida

    My acterimages are so crazy that they are completely vivid and clear in color, also I see...

    My acterimages are so crazy that they are completely vivid and clear in color, also I see afterimages of people like clear afterimages, seeing the same thing again
  15. Farida

    @Vassili thank you so much for your reply, but can you please tell me if they were severe or...

    @Vassili thank you so much for your reply, but can you please tell me if they were severe or persistent at first, did they get any better afterwards ? Are you experiencing postive or negative ones ?