Recent content by fitActive04

  1. fitActive04

    Anyone Coping with Prayer?

    I'm sorry, I missed the part where I said doctors can cure T. Where did I imply such a thing? I simply said, if I'm sick, I would choose a doctor over prayer. Doctor's pray? I don't care what doctors do in their free time. I don't care if a doctor is Christian, Muslim, Atheist or worships the...
  2. fitActive04

    Anyone Coping with Prayer?

    I think all religions are silly. They are led by silly characters wearing silly hats believing in silly things. People have a difficult time accepting the idea that maybe once you're dead - poof, game over. They have a hard time accepting the idea that maybe the good people are not enternally...
  3. fitActive04

    Unilateral Hearing Loss

    Although I do not know the cause of your hearing loss, there was a study from the University of Florida in 2014 which claimed taking the following dietary supplements helped with hearing loss: vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, and magnesium. Hearing loss or not, those supplements are...
  4. fitActive04

    Tinnitus Aged Me. :(

    Tinnitus will not age you, but stress will! So... keep your stress in check! By the way, you look fine. If I were younger... ;)
  5. fitActive04

    My Time in NYC

    Congrats! You two look great together!
  6. fitActive04

    Newbie to Tinnitus

    I do know of someone who developed tinnitus due to a medication and it eventually subsided. I know it is a very stressful time for you at this moment. I'm sure you're on edge and spend most of your time wondering when/if it will go away. I hope in your case it does resolve and your life quickly...
  7. fitActive04

    Is Tinnitus Really the Problem?

    It sounds as if you are comparing the same object to itself. Obviously the sound is the problem and our label for the sound is the word "tinnitus". So, asking if it's tinnitus "or the sound" is a bit off. That's like saying, "Is cancer really the problem, or is it the abnormal growth of cells?"...
  8. fitActive04


    Just wanted to say congrats on beating the benzos! I love hearing stories like that. Awesome willpower!
  9. fitActive04

    Has Anyone's Tinnitus Spiked Like Crazy and Never Went Away?

    It depends on the source. I've seen lidocaine listed as ototoxic in some places, yet not in others. I do not consider it to be ototoxic in the same way as NSAIDs (Advil, Motrin, etc), which in my opinion, should come with a warning label and it's a crime it does not. For what it is worth, I...
  10. fitActive04

    Poll: Do You Feel Tinnitus Has Ruined a Portion (Days, Weeks, Months, or Years) of Your Life?

    Ruined? Hmmmm... not sure I feel that way. When I developed tinnitus (from head trauma), I was living a very irresponsible, reckless lifestyle with most of my time and energy spent in clubs until the early morning hours. I had no ambition. No goals. No future to be quite honest with you...
  11. fitActive04

    Has Anyone's Tinnitus Spiked Like Crazy and Never Went Away?

    Hi... several years ago I took a large dose of motrin and my T absolutely exploded and never returned to its previous state. Had I known that NSAIDs were ototoxic, I would have never taken the motrin. I have researched this issue a lot and it appears that it is very unusual for...