Recent content by FongBao

  1. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I have a great method for taking pills and capsules. I use it for everything: Rather than putting the capsules into your mouth and then trying to swallow them down with water, put the water in first, tip your head back, drop in the capsules, and swallow. Often when you load the capsules into...
  2. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    In my opinion the capsules work great - still noticing good sleep and reduction of T - while the balls taste very strong. You can get them down with plenty of water (chew first, I almost choked trying to swallow one whole before I read the directions) but why? Personally I'm staying with siddhi...
  3. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I also noticed that an empty or almost empty stomach seems to make a difference.
  4. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I weigh 145. Maybe 3 or 4 capsules is better if you weigh more than that. I've taken a lot of herbal medicine over the years and it seems to be the case that some people feel way less than others. I would play around with the dose.
  5. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I am using Agar 35 for what must be 10 days now. Definitely sleeping better and waking up with fewer rushing thoughts. Generally more relaxed. My T has also decreased, though it's up and down. At this very moment as I write this it is almost gone. I'm giving Agar 35 a thumbs up. As for side...
  6. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    One other difference is that Siddhi Energetics offers both pills and capsules. It looks like the other place has only pills. I got the capsules and prefer them to chewing up balls. I have had enough experience with Chinese medicine to avoid those things when I can!
  7. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I looked at the siddi energetics site and it says there are 25 doses, not 25 capsules. I think it is the same product and company as sells on amazon.
  8. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I have been taking the Agar 35 for 5 or so days. My sleep is better and my T is down. Still comes and goes, but more "in the background" rather than overpowering, even when at its worst. Plus and this is maybe better still, I feel a lot more relaxed and jolly. I haven't changed anything else in...
  9. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I have the Agar 35 but not the Semde yet. I want to see how I feel from this alone first, although it says on Amazon that Agar 35 and Semde work well together. I also found more info on another site. It says you can combine Bimala with Semde or Agar 35 with Semde. That seems to back up what...
  10. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    Interesting. Please let us know your ongoing experience.
  11. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    Amazon. Here's the link: These guys have been around for years:
  12. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I have received the Agar 35. Tried last night. Some unusual dreaming. Nice, but I don't often remember my dreams. My T is definitely less today, but that could be anything, as it is not continuous. One interesting note: did not wake up with racing thoughts. In fact, not many thoughts at all...
  13. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I am definitely going to try it. Already ordered!
  14. FongBao

    Tibetan Medicine Works for Tinnitus — Test This Supplement!

    I found this on Amazon: Is that what you mean? It says it helps with tinnitus. I've tried Chinese medicine but no luck Maybe Tibetan is better! FB