Recent content by Frizz

  1. Frizz

    Did You Have a Feeling of Stiffness and Fullness of the Ear, After a Loud Event?

    From what I understand the feeling of aural fullness after noise trauma is due to an abnormal build up of fluid in the inner ear. I forget where I read this or heard this so I'm open to someone telling me off. Inner ear fullness can remarkably feel exactly like middle ear fullness, so it's quite...
  2. Frizz

    Ear Fullness... Help Me

    As someone with awful on and off ETD, TMJ, tinnitus, and hyperacusis, it'll probably go away. Even an atrocious noise insult to me that leaves me with searing, burning ear pain and shocking aural fullness goes away eventually. Just stay in silence for a bit and be glad you're not in too much...
  3. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    Then you're good, but part 5 animu likely won't have Romi Park as Giorno, which will just be sad to me. Sorry Namikawa... Or whoever is gonna voice him now.
  4. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    Read the manga.
  5. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    I really feel for you... All of my troubles began due to a brutally aggressive, unnecessary ear irrigation. I just remind myself it wasn't my fault, I was just looking after my own health, and really it was the physician's fault to not denote wax wasn't the issue but clogged tubes and maybe a...
  6. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    reme meme don't you think?
  7. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    Sometimes I have the temptation to commission a drawing of my choir girl but with her ear(s) on fire. I don't feel the same with fire ear man.
  8. Frizz

    My Posting Place

  9. Frizz

    Hyperacusis Recovering Process

    Hyperacusis is an unpredictable, shape-shifting beast that seems to be different for everyone. Granted my experience is limited as I've only had this life-destroying condition for about three months, but my main recommendation would be honestly and ironically to play it by ear. Whatever works...
  10. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    Sorry I'm going to get negative here and vent. If this type of thinking is unwelcome here I promise I won't do it again. I'm just so frustrated. I just have next to no hope for this... Science is just not cyberpunk enough yet for something so ambitious. Even advancements in other more promising...
  11. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    Is there a horse you're betting on? Shore's device? Her device sounds like residual inhibition almost but more physically based...
  12. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    I really do want Frequency to succeed but I just have so little hope... How do you all even stay optimistic? :( I just feel like it's a pipe dream... :cry:
  13. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    If you shot yourself in the head, would the last thing you'd hear be the gunshot, tinnitus from the gunshot, or nothing at all...? :confused:
  14. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    The Levo System is that thing you listen to when you sleep, right? I wonder if there's some truth to it considering my tonal tinnitus vanishes for a bit when I hear a 4khz tone. :confused: I'm too scared to even think about trying it though with my hyperacusis.
  15. Frizz

    My Posting Place

    me irl