Recent content by Garden Ring

  1. Garden Ring

    How Often Do You Protect Your Ears?

    Went to see the new Nolan movie a couple of days ago and forgot to take my earplugs with me. Had to spend almost half the time with fingers in my ears, because the volume of the sound was physically unpleasant. When I discussed that with my buddies after the movie, they looked very surprised and...
  2. Garden Ring

    How Long Does a Tinnitus Spike Usually Last? Months? Weeks? Days? Hours?

    Until recently I thought that the 'spikes' everybody speaks about here is just a matter of your attitude, i.e. today I'm sad and grumpy, and I pay attention to my ringing a lot, tomorrow I am outdoors with my friends and never notice it. However, a day ago I had an actual spike. I was at my...
  3. Garden Ring

    Waking Up to Silence, Then Tinnitus Slowly Builds Up in Volume

    Something of that kind happens to me as well. My idea is that when we sleep the body kind of "turn off" the senses, we don't stop hearing completely, obviously, but the signal only reaches the 'alarm' regions of the brain and is not fed into the parts where we consciously perceive it. This is...
  4. Garden Ring

    My Success as of Today

    Beautifully written and really soothing. Thank you.
  5. Garden Ring

    Deaf People Get Gene Tweak to Restore Natural Hearing

    I already 'hear' more than I'm supposed to, so I'd just prefer my normal hearing back, thanks! :)
  6. Garden Ring

    Deaf People Get Gene Tweak to Restore Natural Hearing Wanted to share this with you.
  7. Garden Ring

    Hey Guys :)

    Hey mate! I'm writing from my work, so I didn't have the time to check the whole thread, sorry, but just wanted to share a little encouragement here. It's my fifth month of tinnitus (it was caused by noise exposure), and now I am almost perfectly okay with it. I used to freak out and even...
  8. Garden Ring

    Do You Notice the Noise When You Wake Up...?

    Almost 4 month into my tinnitus I have to say that my sleep problems are gone. Even though I hear the whistle clearly I can easily dose off and not hear it in my sleep. Morning are different. Sometimes I have the same as @Grace described. Nearly noiseless waking up, and it gradually gets worse...
  9. Garden Ring

    Flying & Tinnitus

    From my personal experience, flying with T is exactly like flying without T. Since the onset of mine I have flown almost a dozen times, and it did not affect me in any possible way. I have always had sinus problems (although my tinnitus is not caused by it), so I always take a flask of...
  10. Garden Ring

    So This Is Tinnitus

    @DebInAustralia, what a perfectly informative answer! I would also suggest going to an ENT to rule out anything that can be easily fixed by medicine (but you've already done that, apparently, to no avail). By the way, I would recommend exploring the option of prednisolone. It has no direct...
  11. Garden Ring

    It's sad how you don't realize to appreciate silence until you get tinnitus

    Please don't be sad! Actually, in my experience, it is possible to hear "silence". Just after I wake up I hear nothing. The tinnitus sound is still there, but the brain just has not tuned in on it after my sleep. It's a strange feeling, but I consider it to be a silence of its kind. And I am...
  12. Garden Ring

    Well, nice forum! Hi.

    Hello! Please don't think I'm being rude, but I sincerely believe that if you're comparatively okay about your simptoms, you should leave this forum and never come back, before you see some scary and desperate stories and become as anxious and miserable as some of us are. The truth is, life is...
  13. Garden Ring

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    That's the spirit! I also find Autifony approach more appealing, but I wouldn't expect them to present ready solutions any time soon, given that they are only at the first stage of trials.
  14. Garden Ring

    Do you believe in the brain memorization hypothesis? Is tinnitus stuck in our brain?

    I have thought about something similar, actually :) Also, from a little different perspective, after that sound being there for two months it seems hard to me to remember how it felt without it. Sometimes I even think it might have been there all along, and I just never noticed it.
  15. Garden Ring

    Tinnitus Louder Today

    Whenever this happens to me (like today) I remind myself that it's not the sound that changes. It's my perception. There is a curious effect recognized in TRT: after some time into the treatment there is a stage when patients start complaining of their tinnitus being worse. It is explained by...