Recent content by garden

  1. G

    High-Pitched Tinnitus Reacts to External Sounds & Hyperacusis → Unable to Distract Myself

    Hello, So it’s been seven months, and I am feeling so low. At first, the hyperacusis made my ears feel hot and ache. It seems that it progressed, and most of the sounds that bothered me went straight through my ears and to my head. It’s like I get jabs of head pain. I also get headaches that...
  2. G

    High-Pitched Tinnitus Reacts to External Sounds & Hyperacusis → Unable to Distract Myself

    Thank you everyone for your support. I will try your suggestions. This is so excruciating. I'm trying to get through each day. I just want to run out the door and escape this. It seems impossible. The tinnitus never stops. My sound tolerance is very low right now. I do get earaches sometimes...
  3. G

    Tinnitus Worsened and Developed Hyperacusis After an MRI — Feeling Depressed and Stressed

    Glad your hyperacusis improved, @Scarecrow. Can you share what kinds of sounds bothered you when the hyperacusis was at it worst? Just loud sounds or soft ones too? What kind of earplugs/earmuffs did you end up getting and what situations did you use them in? Did you have problems with earwax...
  4. G

    High-Pitched Tinnitus Reacts to External Sounds & Hyperacusis → Unable to Distract Myself

    Hello, I have had hyperacusis and tinnitus that reacts to external sounds for about two months. I have tried listening to crickets, masking apps, low volume TV, etc and the tinnitus just gets louder so I gave that up. The hyperacusis seems to be getting worse. At first it was high pitch noise...