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  • Back on melatonin. Take a pill at bedtime and again when I invariably wake up in the wee hours. Seems to help somewhat.
    Haven't visited here for a while. A sign that no treatments are on the horizon. Trying to keep busier. Sleeping is still difficult.
    Pretty far down the bottle on the tumeric. I don't think it's done anything positive, frankly.
    Started taking valerian rather than melatonin for sleep. A little early to tell but Initial results feel encouraging.
    Left ear cleaning, check. Improvements? Mmm, maybe a little. Hearing test on Monday afternoon.
    I went to get my 1st post-T hearing test today and a) it will only go up to 8khz and b) was told my left (bad) ear needs cleaning first.
    I stalled for as long as I could but I just sent the email to cancel my Neuromod appointment. I feel like crap.
    Concerned about my finances in regards to flights and Lenire lately. Decision must be made ASAP.
    After watching the Amazon burn and Greenland melt, I am really on the fence about flying to Ireland several times.
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