Recent content by Gobi

  1. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    This may not be for everyone, but I just had my first session with a cognitive behavioral therapist who specializes in sleep disorders and tinnitus. I'm going to be working with her each week on becoming less reactive to noise at night, more accepting of sleeping without my ear plugs, and also...
  2. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    Well I took the 1mg of Ativan (lorazepam) last night before bed and slept pretty well. Started the lexapro this morning. How long should I take the lorazepam?
  3. Gobi

    I Feel Like I Just Got Tinnitus All Over Again. Sounds Are Distorted to Me Now.

    Ill post something over in the docs corner. It sucks that even pink noise or brown noise causes a distortion in my hearing. Very odd.
  4. Gobi

    I Feel Like I Just Got Tinnitus All Over Again. Sounds Are Distorted to Me Now.

    Sorry to hear that MattK. I just wish I could at least listen to white noise or a fan without hearing a distortion. One more thing to deal with. Not what I needed to say the least.
  5. Gobi

    I Feel Like I Just Got Tinnitus All Over Again. Sounds Are Distorted to Me Now.

    Hey guys, I just realized a couple of days ago that the sound of a fan, brown noise, even rain doesn't sound like it once did to me. I'm trying to find a noise at night that I can have in my bedroom that will help me sleep, but when I put anything on, except for maybe chanting, I hear this...
  6. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    By some miracle I actually got an appointment with a phsychiatrist today. He prescribed lexapro 5mg a day and Avitan 1mg at bedtime to get my anxiety under control so I can sleep better. The Avitan is a short term bridge to get to where the Lexapro takes effect. What do you guys think of those...
  7. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    What I meant was that white noise should e a constant sound, just like brown noise, pink noise, etc. however when I listen to it I hear the constant noise, but also a variable noise that comes and goes. Same thing with fans. It's really weird. Makes the sounds not soothing.
  8. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    Well I just tried my fan again as well as a sound pillow and whenever I put it in its not a constant noise. I thought whitenoise was a consistent noise. When I listen to it I hear a variable whirl every 5 seconds, with other sounds as well. What the hell is going on with me?
  9. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    How long do you guys think I'll get use to noise in my room or aroun my house. Should I force myself to get use to te noise of a fan or rainfall, etc? All noise annoys me right now so I'm wondering if I should go ahead and just make myself get use to a sound. Don't find anything within right...
  10. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    Sure did, my dreams were pretty interesting. I don't know how long a person should be on melatonin since it does alter your sleep a bit. At least it does with me.
  11. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    3mg, by a spray right into the mouth. One hour before bed.
  12. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    I did melatonin and it makes it easier to go to sleep. However I didn't find that it kept me asleep. Still woke up in the middle of the night. Maybe try the slow release ones.
  13. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    Physically you definitely feel better, mentally it helps you not be so irritable and have mood swings all day. Still in the back of my head I'm pissed I have to take meds to sleep. Bugs me, never had to before in my life and wham here I am popping Xanax's. At a certain point though you can't...
  14. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    Rube, sorry to hear you are in the same state im in. Its lonely as hell to wake up like that and stare at the ceiling the rest of the night. I took some valerian root and a pill of 5-htp last night. Slept from 12 to 2, woke up and popped a Xanax. Slept on and off for 6 more hours. At this...
  15. Gobi

    So Sleep Deprived, Are Drugs the Answer for Now?

    My sleep hygiene has gotten better. I have given up drinking caffeine past that first cup in the morning, I head up to bed at the same time each night now, no TV in bed. I have tried Tylenol pm, works but makes me groggy. I just grabbed a valerian root supplement tonight that has a lot of...