Recent content by GorillaSTE

  1. G

    Do I Have Tinnitus? I'm Hearing a Very Quiet "Dentist Drill" Noise

    Day 2 my tinnitus seems to have gotten quieter. I think the doctor was right, this will just eventually fade out. I also have the headphone volume at about 3 precent out of 100 now. Very quiet. Thanks everyone
  2. G

    Do I Have Tinnitus? I'm Hearing a Very Quiet "Dentist Drill" Noise

    and i have headphones that don't go up a certain volume for this exact reason, I don't think it was the headphones.
  3. G

    Do I Have Tinnitus? I'm Hearing a Very Quiet "Dentist Drill" Noise

    My doctor said it will go away, is that true?
  4. G

    Do I Have Tinnitus? I'm Hearing a Very Quiet "Dentist Drill" Noise

    Except I don't listen to them loud at all. Matter a fact it started when i was just sitting down and relaxing with no noise.
  5. G

    Do I Have Tinnitus? I'm Hearing a Very Quiet "Dentist Drill" Noise

    I have recently started hearing a very quiet "dentist drill" noise in my left ear and when I move my head it goes to the right ear. I went to a physician and they checked out my ears on the 1st day I hear it. They said everything looked fine and so I am just wondering if this will go away...