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  • reminder that the cure is acceptance. its just a sound really. dealing with a permanent spike right now.
    @Damocles why do you keep it a secret? I let every fucker know that I have it. I love telling people about how horrific it is lol. I'm constantly walking around the museum saying - "my ears are ringing eeeeeeee!" I literally tell people about it within 5 minutes of meeting them. I tell them to not be loud or drop anything because they will hurt me.
    But to further elaborate, it's also just to avoid the boring routine of: "I have tinnitus", "what?", "tinnitus", "what's that?", "a ringing in both my ears/head", "oh", "so I can't do noisy things", "okay... hey let's go sit at that bar with the really loud music playing", "I just said... never mind".
    If you're having a spike, your immediate focus should be getting along with your day to day life, NOT the volume. Focusing on T will kill u
    Why do antibiotics have to be so dangerous, why cant we just mass murder bacteria without any consequences... "nature is cruel" windom earle
    damn man crazy how spikes can just happen out of fuckin nowhere like that
    I've had a spike for two days now. :( Hope yours settles soon.
    @Steph1710 hang in there man, hope yours improves as well! if it does improve it will SLOWLY so dont lose hope
    Thanks grime. T is such a bitch. I've only had it 6 weeks and since life has become a constant battle of trying to protect my ears. I really hope it gets easier... Btw I'm loving that dog in your profile pic! :D
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