Recent content by ha931b

  1. H

    Unilateral Tinnitus Helped by Valsalva Maneuver/Finger in Ear

    Thank you both for your helpful advice. I'll stay away from the ear tubes - it sounds like there are a lot of risks. My ENT did seem disinterested in my case and symptoms since I haven't had hearing loss, so maybe a different one would provide better advice. I actually did try 30 mg of Sudafed...
  2. H

    Unilateral Tinnitus Helped by Valsalva Maneuver/Finger in Ear

    Hello everyone! I’m a female in my early 20s, and last month (July 3), I woke up with a horrible ringing in my left ear that has persisted ever since. I'm having trouble pinpointing the exact frequency, but it sounds like a tea kettle around 1900 Hz. I can't identify any specific cause, but...