Recent content by HalloweenScreamQueen

  1. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Hearing Aids

    I’d be interested in hearing your opinions over time. I just ordered the AirPods Pro 2 and hope they work for me as hearing aids. I’ve tried hearing aids in the past, but I couldn’t use them because they made my tinnitus much worse.
  2. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Do You Remember Your Last Day of Silence?

    Nope, I’ve had tinnitus for over 45 years tho, sooooooo... Mine started at about the same time as puberty started. No known etiology.
  3. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Struggling to Find Cause of Tinnitus — Mild Hearing Loss? Allergies? Stress? TMD?

    I would see an ENT, especially if you can find one who knows anything about tinnitus.
  4. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Struggling to Find Cause of Tinnitus — Mild Hearing Loss? Allergies? Stress? TMD?

    Tinnitus sucks, and not in a good way. You may never figure out what caused it or it could disappear next week. I’ve had tinnitus since puberty (and that happened about 45 years ago!), with no known cause. I didn’t go to KISS concerts at twelve, no ototoxic drugs, no loud tv, nothing. And I...
  5. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Uptick In Tinnitus and/or Hyperacusis Symptoms? Hang in There, You Got It!

    I've been noticing a lot of people posting that they're having more problems with their tinnitus and hyperacusis lately. Two pieces of non-medical advice and one side note - One, If you're suffering, ask for help; from online groups like Tinnitus Talk, from a counselor, your pastor or priest...
  6. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Tinnitus & The Body: Take the Survey

    Done! I always feel like my answers skew the results tho since I’ve had tinnitus for over forty years with no know cause. I mean, come on, since I’ve had this since puberty, I’ve had a lot longer to adjust than most people on this forum!
  7. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Hey Ohioans — Know Any Good Doctors? How About Dr. Minka Schofield at OSU?

    I’m headed up to see her this week - anybody?
  8. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Hey Ohioans — Know Any Good Doctors? How About Dr. Minka Schofield at OSU?

    Hi all! Have any of you guys heard of or seen a Dr. Minka Schofield at OSU?
  9. HalloweenScreamQueen

    MRI Anxiety and Questions

    In regard to looking silly, who cares? We sure don't! Oh, and just a thought, my last MRI was in the newer open where you sit up between the sections of the machine. I saw the films - they looked like abstract art. The older open MRI or the closed MRI take better pictures.
  10. HalloweenScreamQueen

    MRI Anxiety and Questions

    TAKE THE VALIUM! I too am very claustrophobic (even in the open MRIs). Wear the earplugs or headphones, maybe take a sleep mask if you can tolerate that, and, if possible, make a playlist of your favorite songs and ask that the technician play it for you. Or listen to your favorite movie with...
  11. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Tinnitus in Dreams

    Now that you've brought it up, I don't think I hear my T while I'm dreaming... I do know that, when I'm in a dream with friends who are Deaf, I communicate using ASL. Just an interesting quirk.
  12. HalloweenScreamQueen

    Hollywood Movie "Baby Driver" with Tinnitus in Leading Role

    First a question, you guys actually heard a sample of his t??? Must match mine really well because I didn't hear anything. ☹️ Secondly, I'm pretty tired of all these movies glorifying violence. And no, I don't care that he wants to reform. It seems like it's a standard format with some cute...
  13. HalloweenScreamQueen

    FOLD Hearing Aids — Research Article from France?

    You are a mind reader Jason! That's exactly what I was looking for!
  14. HalloweenScreamQueen

    FOLD Hearing Aids — Research Article from France?

    Good morning all! I'm having a senior moment here and am hoping someone can jog my brain... in 2014-2015, I came across an article about a French study of a type of hearing aid referred to as a FOLD aid. It's not a brand, it's a descriptor of the aid itself. I can't remember the link for the...
  15. HalloweenScreamQueen

    I Hate Me

    Try these for situations where there's a lot of background noise: Alpine Hearing Protection Musicsafe Classic Earplugs. You can get them for less than $15 at Amazon. I always wear them when I go to football games or other events, vacuum the carpet, load the dishwasher, etc. The other thing...