Recent content by Hare Bell

  1. H

    All the Good Stuff Tinnitus Brought to My Life!

    Thank you benryu, for this thread. Best wishes to you.
  2. H

    Having a big relapse and feeling depressed

    Thank you citigirl13 for such a lovely, thoughtful reply. I do need reminding that I have done this once and can do it again. I need to hold those thoughts and it's quite easy to do that during the day, I'm relieved to say - no so easy at night atm but I have hope. I managed some sleep last...
  3. H

    Having a big relapse and feeling depressed

    No, I think the only things that helped were 'time passing' and letting go of the stress. I just wish I could remember how I did that! Sounds so easy, but is so hard. No spikes with colds or flu. I didn't ever really do loud concerts or stuff like that. I'm a very quiet sort of person. Went...
  4. H

    Having a big relapse and feeling depressed

    Well, I have dipped in and out here today and overall I feel so much better. So, I'm thankful for that because today I really needed a bit of help. Mr.T is still there doing his best to wreck my life!! I have read some lovely stuff, some hopeful, some positive, some just sooooooo sad. My heart...
  5. H

    Having a big relapse and feeling depressed

    Thank you everyone.
  6. H

    Having a big relapse and feeling depressed

    Hello, thank you for reading my post and for your replies. I never found out what caused my original T back in 1986/7. I did enjoy nightclubs and went about twice a week, regularly. I don't do anything like that now, being 'old'. Hahaha. I did go to the doctors a few times but to no avail. He...
  7. H

    Having a big relapse and feeling depressed

    Hello, first of all thank you for this place where I can tell my story and maybe even find some help or ideas too. I started with T when I was 18 and for no reason that I could figure, suddenly started with the high pitched ringing that just wouldn't disappear. I was distressed and scared stiff...