Recent content by hartstreet

  1. hartstreet

    AtlasPROfilax for Neck Pain/Migraine/Tinnitus — What's Everyone's Experience?

    Hi @LilSass - hope you’re well. It’s been another month, and I’m wondering if you have experienced any additional changes after your AtlasPROfilax treatment? I’m finally starting to coordinate the treatment myself, had been focused on some physical therapy that seems to confirm a...
  2. hartstreet

    AtlasPROfilax for Neck Pain/Migraine/Tinnitus — What's Everyone's Experience?

    I am happy to hear that you’re feeling good about the treatment and am hopeful you’ll see more positive results emerge. I agree with your sentiment that when it comes to treatment, particularly physically aggressive ones, sometimes things get worse before they get better. When your body gets...
  3. hartstreet

    That sounds terrible. How long do you have to wait until your next NUCCA treatment? Hang in there!

    That sounds terrible. How long do you have to wait until your next NUCCA treatment? Hang in there!
  4. hartstreet

    Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

    Weed remains a lifesaver for me. It definitely does not improve my tinnitus, and if anything it makes it louder with the heightened sensations that generally come with it, but it helps me mellow out and feel less overwhelmed by the tinnitus. And if I do something distracting along with it, I can...
  5. hartstreet

    AtlasPROfilax for Neck Pain/Migraine/Tinnitus — What's Everyone's Experience?

    Not yet, but you know I’m rooting for you, and am excited to hopefully hear your positive results. Good luck!
  6. hartstreet

    Hang in there man. It sounds like you’ve recovered from TMJ pain before, and you can do it...

    Hang in there man. It sounds like you’ve recovered from TMJ pain before, and you can do it again. How long ago did you see the NUCCA and has the pain gone down at all?
  7. hartstreet

    Ugh. I’m sorry NYCGuy. I am hopeful that this is a step in your overall healing process. Though...

    Ugh. I’m sorry NYCGuy. I am hopeful that this is a step in your overall healing process. Though it’s extremely discouraging when the pain and sounds evolve, perhaps it’s a good sign that you’re doing something to the things that are causing these issues, and if you stay patient things will start...
  8. hartstreet

    Update: Tinnitus Since April 2019, Now Virtually Gone (Female, 25-Year-Old)

    Congratulations! This post made me incredibly happy to read, and I am glad you wrote it. Thank you! Did you have any other symptoms associated with the tinnitus, in your ears or otherwise? Happy for your relief and hopeful for more to come for this whole community.
  9. hartstreet

    Tinnitus from Sinus Infection (?) — Barely Holding It Together Emotionally Right Now

    Hang in there. My tinnitus started after a bad sinus infection, and the worst part is the psychological impact at the outset. Particularly where ENTs are so dismissive, it can feel isolating and beyond discouraging. It gets better, how much and when no one can say, but it does. I would suggest...
  10. hartstreet

    Four Days, No Tinnitus — Thanks Greg Sacramento

    Thanks for the shout here. I’m excited for the possible relief, to tinnitus and/or my other symptoms, that may be possible. Seeing a physical therapist for some trigger point/myofascial massage later this week before getting into some chiro treatment.
  11. hartstreet

    Hidden Hearing Loss & Hyperacusis After Gunshot

    I checked the NUCCA website and unfortunately they aren’t in Germany, but I bet there is some equivalent. The big difference is just that it isn’t that high velocity whipping action of the neck, and is focused on the cervical spine. My doctor says the whipping action can cause strokes, though...
  12. hartstreet

    Hidden Hearing Loss & Hyperacusis After Gunshot

    Glass isn’t on the NUCCA website, though I don’t think it matters. Ultimately you just want someone who is doing something other than the high velocity cracking. I was going to go to AMAYU in midtown, because it was the closest one to my office when I searched the NUCCA website. I wouldn’t...
  13. hartstreet

    Hidden Hearing Loss & Hyperacusis After Gunshot

    A belated welcome to the community @tenforce. I am also curious about what type of chiro you saw, NUCCA or regular (who just focused on your cervical spine). My current working theory is focused on chiropractic treatments and their connection to the nasal cavities, in particular the Eustachian...
  14. hartstreet

    Second Anniversary: Finally Found Something That Could Be Promising for Me

    Yes, it’s very good advice to make sure you’re chasing objective factors. I’m sorry to hear that was your experience and I wish you the best.