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  • Welp, I think I have Covid
    Mild symptoms so far, no idea if it's covid but so far it fits the symptoms. I've definetly been exposed a lot due to my job so it was a matter of time

    I have a lot of undiagnosed chronic pain so I'm a bit worried that I do in fact have some unknown health condition, but I'll probably be fine
    @HeavyMantra I don't know you personally, but I don't want anyone to suffer, so please if you feel too sick, tell someone so they can keep an eye on you. Where do you work? X
    I panicked a bit at first, but symptoms are very mild. Swollen lymph nodes, joint pain, sore throat. Nothing to worry about so far. Thanks for your concern! @Steph1710
    Is ear pain from jaw problems etc. a stabbing, intermittent pain? How am I supposed to know if my pain is hyperacusis or jaw related?
    The only way to rule it out would be to see a tmj specialist. If you try a jaw treatment and it doesn't do anything it's probably H related
    Does anybody else get lower tinnitus for the rest of the day after excercise...? People usually report the opposite
    YES i often get this. I wrote a post about it. My blood pressure is good
    I've been curious about exercise. Exercise releases growth factors that are good for helping tissue and nerves, yet I keep seeing that it causes spikes. I wonder why.
    I think the temporary spikes are blood pressure related. And I get those too!
    Colds, sinus infections will usually exerabate tinnitus. it should settle back down but spike can last a few weeks from my own 18 years personal experience
    Thanks, I'll try to stay hopeful. My T got worse this time of year when I had 4 separate colds in 4 weeks! Probably sound that worsened it though
    Sorry, my bad. Then just time...arghhhhhh. Rooting for you HeavyMantra
    Well, I've not been bothered by my T today at all so that's good! Rooting for you too, you seem to be a good person
    i think its pretty common, the mucus running up and clogging your ETubes. Try a steam bath, even put your head over a pot of hot water with a little eucalyptus and clear all the gunk out. Hot steams and lots of ginger and garlic tea will banish your cold fast. Your spike should come down as well......keep us posted
    Another full week of 1/10 tinnitus, just two weeks after the last one. I must be doing something right. Quiet room only = cured in my book
    How do yall use cellphones with tinnitus? Just had to be on the phone for one hour and it feels teeeerrible for my ears
    Mostly speaker phone.
    Kai Love
    Typically speaker phone. Occasionally with Sennheiser over the ear headphones--my tinnitus is not from hearing loss, though. If direct from the phone, it is too "sharp" for me, and I avoided using a phone like this for many years, even prior to T.
    Well, I have to buy a new phone anyway so I'll get one that has good speakerphone capabilities
    Still no idea why my T fluctuates daily without any apparrent triggers. For weeks it's literally been one day on, one day off. Anybody?
    Kai Love
    I have been weaning off caffeine to reduce jaw tension. Also, cutting alcohol (mostly, it is hard, I like wine), to prevent grinding (even with mouthguard/splint) during the night. The guard/splint does help distribute the force, however I would like to minimize all by eliminating what causes grinding in the first place.
    Kai Love
    For me, if I watch something before bed that really gets my mind going before bed, I tend to grind more. I try to avoid electronics an hour before bed. If I read a relaxing/enjoyable book before bed, it helps ease me to sleep. Also, a warm shower helps me, and I have heard that similar warm baths have helped others grind less.
    Kai Love
    Agrajag364, the mouthguard/splint has alleviated some jaw tension in the morning. I am having it readjusted next week at the TMD clinic to give better alignment. My dentist made my original splint. The TMD clinic said, the more teeth in contact with the splint, the better. It makes sense, since it helps distribute the force.
    The improvement I've seen the past two months is unbelievable. If this continues, I'll consider myself one of the luckiest men alive
    Awesome. Did you do anything that might have caused the improval?
    If this isn't temporary, I will write a detailed post about what I've done. Then again, a lot of spikes get better within a year so it might just be time that has caused improvement, not all the herbs and other dietary changes I've made
    Well, looks like I jinxed it. Back in hell again this week!
    Sisters husband had hyperacusis and tinnitus from tense jaw/stress for a long time, was cured with physiotherapy
    This is also interesting. An ENT was emphasising to me the other week what a factor that was
    Haven't had a low T day for almost 2 weeks. No idea why, maybe from a cold. Certainly doesn't seem to be related to music at least...
    Why do I get a delayed spike every time I listen to music even below 60 db? This is ridiculous. The one thing I love has been taken from me
    I can't listen music well either. I can watch movies but some reason music still causes problems for me. This really sucks.
    Sure does. I'm starting to realize that music might not be a part of my life for a while or forever. I hope the situation can improve with time. Idk, many people continue making music it seems. Maybe it took a while for them to be able to come back to it
    Apparently my teeth are very ground down for my age to the point of hurting. I hope my night guard has positive effects on my tinnitus too
    Bruxism can be cured by concentrating on oral discipline.
    I have some notes which may help you.
    Jazzer x
    Seeing improvement still, more quiet days than loud most weeks. Took 6 months before I started to see improvement. Don't lose hope!
    Hope you're right. 5 months in for me
    i soon have 2 months full, and there as been improvement for me also. Some bad days, but some good days too. It's back and forth...Not losing hope!
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