Recent content by Hedgehog

  1. Hedgehog

    Somatic Tinnitus GONE / CURED

    I've been trying this routine for a few days now. No improvement yet, but I do have some weird response to one of the stretches. As a precaution I've stopped doing it for now. My outer ear goes numb and has a tingling sensation when doing the stretch where you are supposed to hold your collar...
  2. Hedgehog

    Outer Ear and Ear Pain When Stretching Neck

    I believe it is related to the great auricular nerve (GAN), which goes through the SCM muscle. Not sure if it could be related to tinnitus or TMJ or whatnot.
  3. Hedgehog

    Outer Ear and Ear Pain When Stretching Neck

    I'm trying a stretching routine I found somewhere on here for somatic tinnitus. One of the stretches very oddly makes my ear go a bit numb, and it hurts while stretching. I put the link below. It should stretch the anterior scaling muscles. It feels really tight and it kind of gives a needles...
  4. Hedgehog

    Finger Drumming Technique / Reddit Cure

    The finger drumming technique works well for me, for about 30 seconds at least. This similar technique by Carlover also works for me: "you want to try a different version... re the little flap near the opening of the ear canal fold over and close the earcanal using forfinger then using middle...
  5. Hedgehog

    How Much Force Should the Valsalva Manoeuvre Take?

    I mostly use this as an indication of how closed my Eustachian tubes are at the moment. Sometimes it hardly takes any effort at all, and at other times it won't work at all, even at the highest pressure I am comfortable with applying. My right side also tends to be more closed for some reason...
  6. Hedgehog

    Pulling on Earlobe and Massaging the Area Around the Ear Creates a Soap-Like Sound

    Hi, whenever I pull on an earlobe and kind of massage the area around my ear, it sounds like having soap in my ear. Like hearing tiny bubbles popping very close to my ear. I noticed this in one ear month ago, and now I can also do it with the other. It's not actually soap, I'm sure about that...
  7. Hedgehog

    A Bunch of Questions About the Ears, Hearing, and Tinnitus

    Hi, I'm currently in a bit of a phase where I'm trying to find out anything I can about what could be wrong with my ears, and therefore I tend to end up with a lot of questions. I hope that someone here can help me find some answers. For some background, I have mild tinnitus in quiet places...
  8. Hedgehog

    Hyperacusis, Mostly Just for Quiet Sounds

    Hi! Good to hear that there is someone like me out there. I do have a few questions. What is your tinnitus like? It is reactive, like mine? Can you make it louder by stuff like turning your head all the way to one side, or biting down hard? (I can). What kind of postural problems do you have? I...
  9. Hedgehog

    Hyperacusis, Mostly Just for Quiet Sounds

    I see, thank you. I'm far from educated about how hearing works, but I guess the problem may lie in a different area from most. Like in the nerves, rather than the inner ear, or something like that.
  10. Hedgehog

    Hyperacusis, Mostly Just for Quiet Sounds

    Trust me, I know. I wish I knew enough about hearing to guess what could be happening, but it really does happen like this. Maybe it's not hyperacusis, if it's so different from other people's experiences, but I don't know what else to call it.
  11. Hedgehog

    Hyperacusis, Mostly Just for Quiet Sounds

    Hi, I have hyperacusis, I think, but it is kind of strange. I'm fine with most things, talking to people, being in public, even at a train station I have pretty much no discomfort from any sound. Yet when it comes to low volume sounds, it tends to be worse somehow. Listening to a video in bed...
  12. Hedgehog

    How Could (Even Quiet) Noise Be Making My Tinnitus Temporarily Worse?

    Hi, I have not tried foam earplugs, but I might give it a try. I'll also try to keep a decibel meter running the next time I travel. I don't think it's as bad for me as in the article you linked. I travel during off hours, and the stations are big enough to get away from crowds and the passenger...
  13. Hedgehog

    How Could (Even Quiet) Noise Be Making My Tinnitus Temporarily Worse?

    Hi Micheal, Thanks a lot for your reply. I will read through the posts you linked. I will also try and avoid using headphones as often as possible. I have a few questions though. First, wearing headphones with nothing playing should be fine right? I just wear them to block out some of the...
  14. Hedgehog

    How Could (Even Quiet) Noise Be Making My Tinnitus Temporarily Worse?

    Hi Micheal, I did regularly use headphones, but I always used them on a low volume. I did not regularly go anywhere with loud noises, I've been to a club once, but nothing that seems to be an obvious cause. I went to an ENT doctor and had a hearing test, nothing more than that. I occasionally...
  15. Hedgehog

    How Could (Even Quiet) Noise Be Making My Tinnitus Temporarily Worse?

    Maybe, using a tone generator I feel like 9000 Hz and higher is more like my tinnitus than anything between 4000 Hz and 8000 Hz, but I'm not sure how I should test it.