Recent content by Hell'sBells

  1. H

    How to Pop Ears Properly to Relieve Blocked Eustachian Tubes?

    Thanks for the replies, the crumpling plastic bag sound I'm hearing also goes along with an expansion feeling which I was also thinking is the ear drum expanding under pressure. I've had really bad tinnitus for 19 years, gave up trying to find a cure because of loud noise and chemotherapy being...
  2. H

    How to Pop Ears Properly to Relieve Blocked Eustachian Tubes?

    Hey folks, just joined up now, looking for some info regarding what I think is blocked eustachian tubes causing my tinnitus. The question is how do I really know for sure whether I have popped my ears? I've done the pinch nose and exhale way, also tried the Eustachi air pump and the Otovent...