Recent content by Helmut83

  1. Helmut83

    Video Series: Do You Believe Tinnitus Will Be Cured? (Part 2/4 — Steve Harrison)

    It's always nice to hear things like this. It may sound foolish, but the hope of finding more effective treatments against tinnitus in the future is a big factor in bearing the tinnitus we have today (I mean, it would be much harder to assume we'll have to cope with this suffering for the rest...
  2. Helmut83

    Tinnitus and Computers

    I'd like to resucitate this thread to tell my experience. I use the computer a lot, I've always done. Since 2011 I've had low tinnitus due to exposure to loud noise during a rock concert, but nothing to do with computers. Now a couple of months ago my notebook broke down so I bought another...
  3. Helmut83

    Living a Happy Life with Severe Tinnitus

    Great story, Zora. Like previous commenters said, inspirational. Your dad must be a very strong person to deal so well with such a loud tinnitus.
  4. Helmut83

    Getting Married with Tinnitus?!

    Hi, Marie, thanks for your answer. As I see it, the experiences of those people don't tell me much about volume. I could have said any of those things about my previous tinnitus (or the previous state of my tinnitus, to be more accurate). I also heard it only when I listened for it. And it...
  5. Helmut83

    Getting Married with Tinnitus?!

    Thanks Melissa for your optimistic words and the examples you gave me. I think the key factor is wether you are able to get good sleep with your tinnitus or not. If you can do that, all the rest is much more manageable. I'm still fighting that fight. Thank you too, @InfiniteLoop . Is there any...
  6. Helmut83

    Getting Married with Tinnitus?!

    Congrats, Melissa, both on getting married and on having learnt how to deal with tinnitus. Your story brings light and hope to those of us who are just starting to live with this and are really worried about how our life will go on with it. I also wanted to make a comment about something you...
  7. Helmut83

    The Negativity Thread

    I wish I could! When I had some problem I usually worked out a bit harder on the gym and that relieves a bit the tension. But now that I have this loud tinnitus that won't let me sleep well I feel so tired that I don't even have energy for training and working out. I'd love to flee away from...
  8. Helmut83

    The Negativity Thread

    It's not by chance. I think those of us who hear better than the rest are much more prone to getting tinnitus. I am the same, I have a very sensitive ear. I can hear things which other people don't, even with the loud tinnitus I have now. Even those devices which are kind of a speaker that...
  9. Helmut83

    The Negativity Thread

    You know what? I'm mostly a negative, pessimistic guy. Realistic above everything, but with a tendency to pessimism. This in the daily life. However, this tinnitus shit is serious. I'm new to this insane volume of tinnitus but I can understand how it can drive people crazy. And when it comes to...
  10. Helmut83

    Ear "Specialist" Worsened My Tinnitus Dramatically

    Thanks @Bobby B , @volsung37 and @Robert44 for your answers. Thanks Bobby for the advice about protecting my ears, I've been doing so for a couple of years now as I feared that my tinnitus could worsen. Unfortunately it happened all the same, but I'll keep on carrying my earplugs everywhere as...
  11. Helmut83

    Dr. Wilden's LLLT Laser Machine Reduced My Tinnitus to 1/2 of What It Was in 6 Weeks

    Hi Mandi, I'm a new member suffering from very loud tinnitus since a couple of days ago and pretty desperate at the time. It's great to read stories like yours and to know that getting used to tinnitus is not our only choice, that other ways of reducing tinnitus actually exist. There are people...
  12. Helmut83

    Ear "Specialist" Worsened My Tinnitus Dramatically

    Hi, everyone! I'm new to the forum. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina, male, 33 y/o and I've decided to sign up here since forums in Spanish have little participation so I get no responses. I've suffered from tinnitus in both ears (louder in the right ear) since 2011 after a rock show with very...