Recent content by High C

  1. High C

    Am I Like Done?! Is Tinnitus Permanent After 5 or 6 Weeks of Having It?

    I've had it for over 20 years.
  2. High C

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus

    Oxytocin is a hormone. The study relating to tinnitus is a small one. Small studies are not conclusive. Best to be careful taking hormones without a doctor's supervision. Check webMD for more information.
  3. High C

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus

    Might be a good idea to check out the Web MD site. Only a small study has been conducted on oxytocin.. it's a hormone and one needs to be real careful when messing with them.