Recent content by Holden

  1. Holden


    Any word on wether your tinnitus improved or not?
  2. Holden

    TMJ/Bruxism — Thermoplastic Night Guard

    Hello fellow T sufferers! I've recently developed night time bruxism, which has led to some TMJ jaw pain and tinnitus. The tinnitus started about 3 months ago. I would wake up with a horrible jaw ache and tooth pain at times. It began to become unbearable; so I spent around $200 at...
  3. Holden

    Weed Withdrawal Tinnitus

    I've had tinnitus for about 3 months and have stopped smoking weed for about 4. I live in Washington state, so recreational marijuana is legal here. I smoked once a day, but it was really potent stuff (20-30% THC). I wish I knew the problems with quiting weed before starting. When I stopped...