Recent content by HomeoHebbian

  1. HomeoHebbian

    Tinnitus Models — Learn How Tinnitus Originates

    There is no mystery as to why not all noise-induced hearing loss leads to tinnitus. First of all, let's think about noise. Noise exposure has highly heterogeneous effects on cochlear sensory cells, non-sensory cells, and primary cochlear neurons. The heterogeneous effect of the noise damage...
  2. HomeoHebbian

    I'm sorry that I can't be of any help with this question.

    I'm sorry that I can't be of any help with this question.
  3. HomeoHebbian

    Tinnitus Models — Learn How Tinnitus Originates

    Thanks, I would enjoy the chance to be a part of that. I take a lot of inspiration from the Tinnitus Talk community. Hi @Nick47, yes, there is a lot of noise out there. Recognizing which peer-reviewed results are breakthroughs versus short-lived sparks in the dark is not obvious and seems to be...
  4. HomeoHebbian

    Tinnitus Models — Learn How Tinnitus Originates

    My compliments on such a polished and thorough resource. @Hazel, my feedback is that the author's treatment of the Central Gain Model contains a few errors and misunderstandings. What does not come through in their description is that excess central gain is a consequence of reduced inhibition...
  5. HomeoHebbian

    Chronic Tinnitus and Unipolar Brush Cell Alterations in the Cerebellum and Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus

    Cumin oil and unipolar brush cells have NOTHING to do with one another. I’m suggesting that discussions about unipolar brush cells are interesting and worthwhile. Take it easy...
  6. HomeoHebbian

    Comparison of Melatonin and Sertraline Therapies on Tinnitus: A Randomized Clinical Trial

    Tinnitus is measured through a highly subjective self report. Any type of clinical study that uses self-report instead of an objective measure runs the risk of having placebo effects strongly influence their outcome measure. If a study like this does not include a placebo control, it is, at...
  7. HomeoHebbian

    Study Suggests Serotonin May Worsen Tinnitus

    It’s not useless, it’s basic science. It’s a perfectly wonderful study about how neurons are affected by a neurotransmitter that is not often linked to the operations of this particular brain area. This is a basic science study. Work of this nature is the bedrock of medicine. These insights...
  8. HomeoHebbian

    Chronic Tinnitus and Unipolar Brush Cell Alterations in the Cerebellum and Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus

    Snake oil is another way of saying a bogus therapy. I find it frustrating when people who use “Dr” in their title, waltz into a discussion in this excellent forum and write something totally unrelated to the topic of the thread and instead start plugging bogus science on an unrelated theme. This...
  9. HomeoHebbian

    Study Suggests Serotonin May Worsen Tinnitus

    This study has very little to say about serotonin and tinnitus. They applied non-physiologic concentrations of serotonergic agonist to slices of young mouse brainstem. The connection to tinnitus and SSRIs is weak, at best. It’s really a slice physiology basic science study that got hyped by...
  10. HomeoHebbian

    Chronic Tinnitus and Unipolar Brush Cell Alterations in the Cerebellum and Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus

    That utterly and completely misses the point of this article, doc. They are describing a structural signature for a potential key neuronal regulator of tinnitus perception. This cell type (UBCs) are positioned to play a key role in amplifying activity within the central authority pathway and...
  11. HomeoHebbian

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus

    Haha. Oh wow, that is embarrassing. My poor, porous memory...
  12. HomeoHebbian

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Hi @linearb, we are totally on the same page. What makes the treatment condition special (i.e., different than the control group) is the specific timing between the sound and the tactile stimulation. To adapt the famous George Costanza quote, "it's not a placebo control unless you believe it"...
  13. HomeoHebbian

    The 'Love Hormone' (Oxytocin) May Quiet Tinnitus

    Hey oxytocin fans, I'm chiming into this thread a bit late, with apologies if these points have already been raised. Oxytocin is a peptide that can be introduced exogenously (from outside your body) but there is a lot of debate as to whether and how it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier...
  14. HomeoHebbian

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    If I post that information I will put their placebo control at risk, potentially excluding people on this forum from participating in their trial. The timing info is public domain knowledge, if you know where to look. Sorry to be cryptic, but it might be for the best if I don't say.
  15. HomeoHebbian

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    The idea is to deliver a tactile stimulus to the jaw at a specific time interval relative to moderate sound stimulation. Their hypothesis is that this will tap into a process called spike timing-dependent plasticity to dampen a hyperactive neural circuit in the auditory brainstem. The biggest...