Recent content by Hotspur2931

  1. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    Hi Brian, I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering so much. I've been exactly there and I know what it's like. The truth is that one day you will look back on this time and you won't be able to wrap your head around how you got so low because of tinnitus. You're in survival mode right now and...
  2. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    Hi there! Sorry for the slow reply! I don't come here anymore, since I'm doing so much better, but I try to check this post from time to time. If you can sleep okay without masking, then I say stick with what you're doing. The reason I say not masking was a bad decision for me is I think it...
  3. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    Ok, this sounds similar to mine. I didn't have pain either, just a load of weird noises. I'm not even sure what the correct word for it is. It came on in about month 5 I think, and only lasted a couple of months. It kind of came and went in that time. The craziest thing was how ordinary...
  4. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    @IntotheBlue03, I forgot to mention but mine was reactive for a while too and I had mild hyperacusis. It was terrifying but it passed. It was a real mental battle, and as @Mags said, exposing myself to the sounds in small amounts. Happy to write more about that here if it would help. X
  5. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    You are an inspiration and you've helped so many people. Hope you are doing ok. X I remember you saying it took three years. That's what gave me hope when I was one year and two years in and felt like I was making no progress.
  6. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    @Mags, yes, I know what you mean about looking forward to bed and snuggling! You're doing all the right things though, with the living room and the water fountain etc. I never thought I could feel relaxed again after tinnitus, but it really did happen eventually. I found that the bath was a good...
  7. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    Hi Mags, it sounds like you're doing really well for just over a year in, so well done you! I promise you it does just get easier and easier year on year, and you're off to a great start. Just be patient with yourself. Re: sleep, I found it really important to make sure I was properly tired...
  8. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    Best of luck to you. I'm sure you can do it again. X
  9. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    You've got this. I promise you, whatever bad feelings you are feeling today, they are not forever. This is just a shit moment in time. X
  10. H

    Three Years Later, I'm Doing So Much Better — Tinnitus Does Not Distress Me Anymore

    Hi everyone, I've been putting this off because I wanted to wait until I was fully habituated, whatever that means, before posting. Also because this forum represents some really desperate times for me, that I wanted to leave behind me. The third reason is that tinnitus is such a non-issue for...
  11. H

    Tinnitus for 4 Years from Loud Noise — Now I Rarely Notice It and It Doesn't Bother Me

    Thanks so much for this! I'm at around 18 months and I have had days where it's almost like it's not there. And it's been pretty bad at times (can hear it over the car engine on the freeway with music playing, on bad days). Like you I think I tune into it and that makes it loud. If I'm fully...
  12. H

    What Do Doctors Need to Understand About Tinnitus?

    1. Saying "it probably won't go away" is a knife to the heart of your patient and can send them into a panic that makes it louder and more permanent. The best thing to say to a new sufferer is that it can recede into the background if you take serious action to take your mind off it RIGHT NOW...
  13. H

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus, 5 Weeks In — I Feel Like My Life Is Over

    Hi Davey, Listen to me, you're going to be just fine, I promise. It's normal for it to seem to get worse at the beginning. This is because your brain is seeing tinnitus as a terrible threat that has just upended your life. You are listening out for it (either deliberately or subconsciously) and...
  14. H

    Back to Silence

    Hi all, Just wanted to check in and give you all some hugs. I've been having some good times and some not-so-good times. I'm trying to do as Lane suggests above and just accept that some days will be worse than others, as they always are in life, and remember that there is always a better day...
  15. H

    Glenn Schweitzer's Tinnitus Coaching: Thoughts, Experiences, Reviews?

    Thanks @ajc. My gut is telling me the same as what you're saying, but I was wary of passing up on a good thing out of sheer grumpiness! I like his YouTube channel overall (some of it is a bit abrasive), and as I said I'm more than happy to give mindfulness and meditation a go (I do think it's...