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  • Ugh i get so many ring tones.. sometimes both ears get a low multi tone ring like i hit my head .. goes away with sound . Hallow ring
    My hearing test 40 hours after my acoustic trauma showed my hearing was better then 4 years ago except a 2db drop at one frequency
    First day in 30 days didn't spend all day in bed.. i feel slight dizzy unsteady ears are starting to buzz and echo ahahahahhah more
    What is low drone tinnitus sound like i have the wawawawa in ears goes lower when i cover them its randomly too
    To me it sounds like a fridge running in the distance or truck running outside
    @Rockman thats what i get fridge then it starts to amplify and get loud when im laying down i have to get up and leave the room for it to stop
    I just hate the part where my ears feel like i need to unclog them
    Im wondering if i got secondary hydrops .. or the prednisone i was taking during the acoustic trauma caused something i was unsteady a bit
    you and me both. Pred gave me catastrophic T coming off it (not ringing, everything else imaginable).
    Try diuretics out. Seem to make a tangible difference, not a cure.
    I just have a slight clog feeling and seems like a seashell effect sometimes also low frequencys make a zing in my ear like rubbing a finger on wine glass and tiny cricket sound to low fan nothing loud just annoying whenim in bed i get the ring sounds like fridge running that literally starts to slowly amplified i have to get up and go walk around to get it to calm down ..
    Does anyone else have different tones in each ear .. i feel alone
    Im only what 40 days into this acoustic trauma the one that annoys me most is like phantom tones like echo ahahahhahaha thought fridge was slowly amplifying then went out died down mostly when im laying down or trying be quiet
    I was really praying the ears can adjust and level out in few months
    I get like a aural feeling like bunch of sounds pulsing faintly like scramled they are faint then the ahahahaaha that builds up ehoing in silence
    Im kinda worried about no treatment in works withthe injections for noise induced tinnitus .. i dont understand them all..
    I think it will help with all t. I'm just guessing but I'd say 80% of t is caused by noise. Someone can correct me on that
    Im 40 days into acoustic trauma... its not fun so many regrets .. panic is real today i was positive yesterday reading the posts
    Try to take deep breathes. Can you mask it at all?
    Yea its just the feeling of it and im getting a fridge sound that amplifies when laying down its so wierd i hope its temporary been days
    I keep saying things will improve its still early
    In having a hard time with this acoustic trauma .. im 6 weeks i have dull feeling in ears last 2 days. . Like i need to clear my ears
    Whats this new dull feeling last 2 days that takes on a hum like a drone wawawawawawa ... hope this goes away is it like ETD
    Why my ears feel like a seashell sound like sounds like amplied fridge running seems to comecon recently .. hoping it goes away
    Trouble is the timing may not be right. DIrk De Ridder did advise me to try the tens machine on continuous mode on my C2 area - as this is known to communicate with the dcn where all the hyperactivity is believed to be
    I know its only been over 30 days acoustic trauma but id like to wake up to quiet tinnitus again oneday ..
    Noises sound louder make my ears feel sore but if i relax and listen they don't bother my ears
    You might have some sort of slight hyperacusis. Please be careful for a while around noises that are loud or irritate you.
    Why is my tinnitus that is caused from acoustic trauma low Pulsatile even to my blood pressure .. it has a buzz to fan even with ear plugs
    I have the same thing. Random low drone in my left ear and sometimes pulsatile In my right ear. All started a few months after onset of T
    Im just ovr 30 days in hoping it keeps getting lower in sound . I think it has improved ears feel like they are healing
    Same here and many others like @Exit. Acoustic trauma T can mimick pulsatile, TMJ, neck somatic t
    My ear with the best hearing has more tinnitus then the one with alot of hearing loss can hardly hear it in that ear
    Curious how my old tinnitus interacts with my new one making it creak with its pulses also sometimes when i lay feel my blood go up it creek
    Reading Michael leigh writings hes been through this so its very helpful to me thankful
    Michael Leigh
    Please be assured @Steph1710, I wasn't offended by your comments as I know you were joking. I don't engage in long winded arguments when the clear objective of some people, is to cause disharmony. It serves no useful purpose for this is a support forum for tinnitus and is the only reason I visit here. Take care.
    Michael Leigh
    I say again @Damocles, I wasn't offended by @Steph1710 comments, neither have I been offended by yours when you have disagreed with my points of view because you're entitled to your opinion. As long as you are respectful then I will have no need to stop correspondence with you. I wish you well.
    Thanks @Damocles. :) And flipping heck! If I ended friendships every time I argued with someone, I wouldn't have anyone in my life left. I'm pretty hot headed as everyone on here knows. I always regret going off at someone. I feel terrible afterwards. Unfortunately, it's a personality trait I have yet to change. Though I have become a LOT better in recent years - believe it or not.. I'll get there one day. ;)
    Only enrichment i can play is crickets .. anything else the tinnitus competes with .. sometimes i turn it off to just hear silence to think
    Ear fullness today sore ear drum in hypercacusis ear i also noticed a outter ear infection so im praying that heals and fixs the fullness
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