Recent content by I who love music

  1. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Yup. That's how it's done.
  2. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hi everyone, I hope you're hanging in there and finding relief somewhere somehow. Terry
  3. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hello everyone! It's nice to see the folks here having good results using the method. Today I was awarded a nine year trophy for my attendance here on the forum. I don't check in here much anymore, please forgive me, tinnitus isn't on my mind anymore... thanks to the method. Good luck, see...
  4. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    That's it in a nutshell, Sarah. I'm convinced everyone can have success at this as long as they follow the rules and don't give up. I guess not following rules and quitting is the way for a lot of people because I see they continue to describe and gauge the sounds, and they want to combine this...
  5. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    OOPS. We don't describe tinnitus. That's the old way. - Terry
  6. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hey, how's everyone doing? Back To Silence rocks, right? Don't forger - stick to it and do it do it. Terry
  7. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hi, Ya, I've got (had) the distortion since about 1975. Tinnitus, Distortion, and hyperacousis. My T and distortion rise and fall together usually after exposure to loud sounds. BTS is a way for me to distract from T sounds. Distortion can't be ignored, by me. When I'm going thru times of the...
  8. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Your post is interesting. Ya, I've also found that playing music is a 'release' from tinnitu, but in my case.... Oh, the tinnitus and the distortion that came with it put me out of commission for a few years. From one musician to another, I wish you great luck for the future and I hope the...
  9. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Too much sugar or too much snoring trigger my hyperacusis which I notice once every three months or so. I doesn't seem related to my T. Or it could be. I don't really know. But overall I notice H much less.
  10. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hi Hazel, I've been itching to make another video, ya. If there's just one person that achieves some success, It would be worth my visits here. I'm glad to help. I'm so glad this site exists because this is where I learned about this method in the first place. -Terry
  11. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hi lizzy, I'd be surprised if after doing the method you didn't see a change in your responses. Fear is natural I suppose, and you can take that as a sign that the emotional amygdala part of your brain is running the show. One pencil and one small notebook just might change your life. Hang in...
  12. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hey everybody, This is my first indoor performance since I started the Back To Silence method. No problems. Didn't hear my tinnitus, didn't think about it. It was noisy. Kids yelling, jingle bells jingling, my hurdy gurdy screaming, the flute in my right ear, and I kicked my drum so hard and...
  13. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hey Winhawk, You're in a place a lot of folks want to be. And I'm there now. Thanks for your comment. Terry
  14. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    Hi Henry, Got your pencil and paper? This step removes the emotional impluse from one area of the brain to another, where there is not emotion involved. No worry, no fear, no anxiety. Good luck, Terry
  15. I who love music

    Back to Silence

    1) Decide when to "make your mark" when it REALLY bugs you. You're right. We can't make a million marks a day. 2) Your tinnitus sounds serious like mine. I suggest writing down an honest emotion along with each mark, AFTER stating the emotion to yourself... "I feel scared." 3) As long as you're...