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  • Damn I think since my palinacousis started I developed some bad anxiety, can you guys recommend anything? I might see a Doc
    @Joe Cuber so basically they didn't know how to treat your palinacousis? What ssri are you taking?
    @Joe Cuber how did you get nerve damage and where? Did m the anti anxiety drug do anything to male libido? If so which one does is less likely to disturb make libido? You suffer from depression? I'm sorry, I beat depression but I'm back to square one
    So turns out my hearing is normal, my left is slightly worse than normal but just barely, so back to square one, now neurologist
    At the ENTs office, I'm hoping they find something, and give me much needed relief and answers.
    Another day with this weird intense earworm, if I'm exposed to music that's loud it stays with me for hours. Neurologist?
    Good luck, neurologist don't do nothing but try to give you antidepressants saying it'll lower tinnitus.
    @stacey, it's not my tinnitus I'm trying to stop, it's music stuck in my head, but I agree, I hope it does stay with me though.
    What is the safest male enhancement drug available?open to natural remedies as well.
    Can viagra give you temporary hearing loss? If so how long?
    Living the limp life ;)
    I'm not 100 percent sure if I do have it though, it was only a 25milligrams one, my ears have been acting funky since June, ever since I had what seemed like an infection, I have an appointment this Monday with the doctor. What should I do? I took it yesterday
    Its not profound, it just feels like the volume has been turned down a bit, but this is not the first time my ears have done this, these past few weeks.
    A balloon exploded at work, and triggered my music in my head, songs will sound vaguely familiar to whatever is on, like earworm
    You had this since 2013 like me huh, man its been a long long time bro. my entire life and potential was squandered, EVERYDAY i regret blasting that dam music in my ears. who would of thought 2013 was our last year of being normal. whats even nuts is that i was so confident back then by now we'd have treatments....
    i would be so grateful for a cure man, i just want us to move on and live life.
    @KoolKat you can still have that Hollywood life, if William Shatner did it with bad tinnitus, so can you.
    @in_LA plus i hear hearing aids are about to get cheaper and i think noise induced tinnitus might benefit from them. COME ON SUSAN SHORE LETS GO. God i just wish we all could get rid of this and be talking about other things lol.
    My gfs place is really quiet, with an even quieter neighborhood. Getting readjusted to the noise is hard, LA is noisy.
    Which company do you think will have hearing restoration in some form comercially by 2026?
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