Recent content by Ivanskis

  1. Ivanskis

    My Tinnitus Is Unbearable and Getting Worse

    Hello, I recently started suffering and was having anxiety attacks too. What helped me was TV. When I get good rest the volume goes down. Tonite very loud tho as I haven't slept very good. I am lucky my pitbull likes to cuddle at night. Talk shows have helped me out, just listening. Yes...
  2. Ivanskis

    South Korean Clinic Treatment (Dr. Minbo Shim)

    In 1987 I had surgery on my right ear as I had a hole in my ear drum. I lost majority of my hearing on that ear. My left ear is my only good one. Although I have a high pitch I can still hear like I have in the past. I have my hearing test today and will let you know my results.
  3. Ivanskis

    South Korean Clinic Treatment (Dr. Minbo Shim)

    Hello Everyone, I am new and found this site while searching for Stem Cell Therapy. I read all 35 pages from At The Edge of Science when he went to Bangkok and I feel good about Stem Cell Therapy. I don't have the cash for Bangkok but this S. Korea thing has me very interested. I would totally...
  4. Ivanskis

    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Ivan Aquino and I am a recent sufferer of Tinnitus. I found this website while searching for Stem Cell Therapy. I didn't lose my hearing and I think my T is caused by stress. As like everyone else I am seeking relief. Thanks and look forward to meeting everyone, Ivanskis