Recent content by Jack Mccarthy

  1. J

    I Want to See Star Wars :(

    Since I recently got a Bose 535 Lifestyle system for 1/2 price, I rent a RedBox Blu-ray for $2 for the evening and it's better than the theater on my 65" 4K TV. :) I'm able to equalize the sound in the room and it sound phenomenal compared to a boomy theater. No more hurt ears or need for plugs.
  2. J

    Help! Benzo Treatment Withdrawal

    Guys, thanks for all your help! Current psychiatrist is saying that all my so called side effects/withdrawal symptoms are "neurosymptomatic" (basically underlying stress/anxiety are creating the issues and klonopin is a catalyst). Not sure if it's true but it sounds like you could say that of...
  3. J

    Tinnitus Week 2018 / Day 2: How Do You Manage Your Sleep with Tinnitus?

    White noise machine with variable pitch does the job for me.
  4. J

    Positional Tinnitus?

    Mine never really goes away but can get louder. Lately, if I sit down and watch TV on the sofa, it acts up. Most likely due to positioning of my head. The pitch of the sound increases as I tilt my head down to my chest. My doctor as well stated it's related to the eustachian tube and it...
  5. J

    What to Do Next? I May Need an MRI Scan

    No open MRIs where your located?
  6. J

    Tinnitus and School

    Your school should be allowed to make an exception if you have a doctor's note explaining your situation. I wear headphones and play music when working just for the same reason. Try to get an open ear design so you don't drown out others talking to you (so long as you don't play it too loud).
  7. J

    Help! Benzo Treatment Withdrawal

    Thanks. I'm on 10-20mg of propranolol (beta blocker) to help with the anxiety like symptoms. I still need to determine if this chronic severe headache is medication related or something worse neurologically. My sense of smell is off, nasal cavity is numb, pain moving/focusing my eyes &...
  8. J

    Help! Benzo Treatment Withdrawal

    Guess I should've mentioned that the prescribing neurologist has moved overseas and there are no neurologists that specialize in tinnitus in my area.
  9. J

    Help! Benzo Treatment Withdrawal

    Guys, I'm trying to find the right neurologist (clinical interest) to help deal with the matter. History: Hard tinnitus since 2007 stemming from a barotrauma injury while flying for work. Nuerologist specializing in tinnitus prescribed 4mg Klonopin/day. Been taking for 8 years before...
  10. J

    Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril)

    Been taking Clonazepam since 2008 (almost 8 years) @4mg/day for 7 years. Stepped back to 2mg/day almost a year ago to get it down as much as possible and still have the tinnitus tolerable. Downside is loss of libido and constant dry eye. Loss of libido started less than a year into it and the...
  11. J

    Hi, Jack from the Boston Area...

    Thanks for the info. Not sure if an SSRI would help if mine isn't stress or anxiety based T. I'll have to read about other's experience here to find out if it's working for them due to barotrauma. Yeah, since my injury is work comp related, I think doctors are reluctant to do other tests like...
  12. J

    Hi, Jack from the Boston Area...

    Hi, glad to meet you. How are you coping with your tinnitus?
  13. J

    Hi, Jack from the Boston Area...

    Yeah, I've had an MRI which included a close look at the auditory canal since it's all in my right ear. What SSRIs have you tried and do they supposedly work even with the side effects? I'd be curious who you saw at Mass Eye/Ear as well. It's hard to find a caring specialist. Usually the...
  14. J

    Hi, Jack from the Boston Area...

    Good to hear from someone local. Do you know who replaced Dr. David Levine since he retired to Israel? I only heard there was a female doctor who's speciality was more toward dealing with the psychology of tinnitus and not the neurology of it. Even getting an appointment with her was...
  15. J

    Does Your Tinnitus Ever Stop Briefly and Then Return?

    Mine will stop for a few minutes after listening to music on low volume for some time and then come back. First year I had it, it was all over the place changing in tone and volume and now it's fairly constant.