Recent content by Jakob Antema

  1. J

    Hyperacusis — Related to Middle Ear or Inner Ear?

    Hmm.. thanks for the info... it's so annoying having to run around to so many specialists before any one of them catches something... glad that worked for you!
  2. J

    Hyperacusis — Related to Middle Ear or Inner Ear?

    Hi GregCA, I think I might be in a similar situation as you. I have had hyperacusis/tinnitus in my LEFT ear for a few months now with no hearing loss (tested) or perceived distortion of sounds etc. MRI came clean too. However, I recently noticed that when I use bone-conducting earphones...
  3. J

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    Danny Boy, just went through this thread, and your posts and willingness to share are impressive! Thank you! Is your H still non-existent? Are you still taking Keppra? Seems like you started a few years ago... did you just do it for a few months and then how many years/months after stopping are...