Recent content by Jason Cohen

  1. Jason Cohen

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Where/when did she say that Jon Pearson is working to obtain FDA approval?
  2. Jason Cohen

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I've been wondering if the device not working/not working as well for some people is from their tinnitus frequencies not being matched properly. I think I remember reading something in the animal study that they treated their tinnitus at the 8 kHz range, but it did nothing for their tinnitus...
  3. Jason Cohen

    Tinnitus for 8 Years (Fully Habituated): Now Suffering from a New Noise When Trying to Fall Asleep

    Figured I would give an update even though it isn't necessarily a good one. The issue with me hearing the new tone from my left ear right when trying to fall asleep stopped after a few days. The new tone is still there and in both ears. It seems to fluctuate throughout the day. It's very...
  4. Jason Cohen

    Tinnitus for 8 Years (Fully Habituated): Now Suffering from a New Noise When Trying to Fall Asleep

    That does make me feel a little better. I actually tried what @RunningMan mentioned and used a crickets/cicadas/katydids video and it worked great. Didn't hear the new noise once last night and had the best sleep I've had since this started. I forgot to mention in my original post that I...
  5. Jason Cohen

    Tinnitus for 8 Years (Fully Habituated): Now Suffering from a New Noise When Trying to Fall Asleep

    As the title states, I've had tinnitus for 8 years. I'd say I had fully habituated. It didn't really bother me during the day and I had zero issues sleeping. This new noise started about 1 week ago. The noise is somewhat low in volume but it cuts through my fan so I can hear it drone on and on...