Recent content by Jason123

  1. Jason123

    Can Anyone Relate to This?

    Thank you, fellow Brightonian! Some good points/info, there. I use noise-reducing headphones and sometimes wear my moulded plugs too, while using them!
  2. Jason123

    Could a Hearing Aid Prevent More Ear Damage?

    A shamefully belated thank you for these answers, guys. This very much makes sense to me and relieves my worry a little, so it's much appreciated.
  3. Jason123

    Could a Hearing Aid Prevent More Ear Damage?

    Hello you lovely people. I'd like to ask your advice on something which has been worrying me for a while. I've had relatively low-level tinnitus due to noise-related damage since 2008. Or at least, it feels fairly low-level these days because I've become fairly habituated to it - I listen to...
  4. Jason123

    Can Anyone Relate to This?

    Rhea! Really sorry to have not replied - I need to work out whether it's possible to subscribe to threads here. :) I guess it was a pressurised feeling, although the main sensation was this weird warmth. And it hasn't happened since!
  5. Jason123

    Can Anyone Relate to This?

    Thanks Ashley. Interestingly, those minor episodes of fuzzy-dizziness have stopped since Friday in the pub.
  6. Jason123

    Can Anyone Relate to This?

    I have noise-induced tinnitus, at a low-to-medium level, I'd say. Last week, pretty much every day, I experienced an occasional 'fuzzy' feeling in my left ear, which made me a little dizzy. Not so dizzy that I couldn't stand or walk straight, but I noticed it. It didn't last too long and...
  7. Jason123

    Flying & Tinnitus

    The only time I've had a really bad experience while flying, since having had T, was when I wore custom-moulded plugs. Completely messed me up.
  8. Jason123

    Flying & Tinnitus

    My EarPlanes have arrived. I've been given some good advice on this forum, for other ways to lessen the potential effects of high-altitude pressure - things like sucking a hard-boiled sweet and keeping your mouth open through take-off and descent. My question now is: do EarPlanes remove the...
  9. Jason123

    Advice On Managing Recovery From Sonic Blasts

    Hello folks! I have noise-induced tinnitus, which occasionally takes on an edge of hyperacusis. I'm keen to play the H down here, though, because it seems that mine is nothing compared to the H that some poor folk experience. It feels like my ears have become vulnerable to 'injury' from loud...
  10. Jason123

    Flying & Tinnitus

    Going back to Spain in a week-and-a-half and am naturally nervous after my experience last year (see earlier in thread). If it hadn't been for this forum, though, I'd have felt completely in the dark as to what was advisable or not - so thanks again! I also just ordered some EarPlanes, so will...
  11. Jason123

    Hearing Aids

    Thanks Karl - I really appreciate you taking the time to explain. A hearing aid that only amplifies certain frequencies is pretty amazing, isn't it! In the grand scheme history, we're lucky that helpful tech is available. And of course we'll be even luckier if stem cell research comes through...
  12. Jason123

    Hearing Aids

    One thing I don't understand about hearing aids: don't they amplify the outside world, directly into your ear? How does this not risk doing more damage/worsening your Tinnitus? I'm sure there's simple reason: I just can't think of it, perhaps because I don't fully understand how they work? :)
  13. Jason123

    Weakened Ears

    Thank you Sven - I do indeed have earplugs moulded to my ears, with two different sets of filters for different situations. Lately, though, it's the situations which I don't think are so loud - like the noisy chatter in a bar, for instance - which seem to cause minor damage to my ears. At the...
  14. Jason123

    Weakened Ears

    Thanks Sven. I think I know that 'strange' feeling. I just worry about my hearing slowly crumbling away, as frequencies become unavailable. A major worry is that vicious circle of needing to play things, like TV, louder in order to be able to understand them, but damaging your hearing a little...
  15. Jason123

    Weakened Ears

    Would still like to hear from anyone who shares these frequency-jangling/hearing loss symptoms. :)