Recent content by Jdwg

  1. J

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink Looking to Treat Tinnitus
  2. J

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink Looking to Treat Tinnitus

    The UK patient registry is now open; it asks what treatment/problem you would like Neuralink to develop.
  3. J

    Elon Musk’s Neuralink Looking to Treat Tinnitus I'm not sure if this has been posted here before. It seems that patient applications are now open if you are in the US.
  4. J

    Really Struggling with Life

    It was a NutriBullet Pro 900 that caused my tinnitus, I would never be tempted to ever use one again.
  5. J

    Really Struggling with Life

    Hi Chad. Sorry to hear you got this from a food blender. I had the same circumstance after dental surgery making a blender necessary which in turn caused this devastating problem. Could I ask what make of blender it was that you used? Hope you are much improved now.
  6. J

    Hissing Tinnitus After Nightmare Ordeal — Good Sign? (Photos Included)

    What antidepressant did you go on? Is it still helping with the tinnitus?
  7. J

    Describe the Anxiety and Emotions Tinnitus Causes You

    Thank you for the replies. I really hope that understanding these emotions may help me and others to gain a bit of control or agency over the dreaded torture of tinnitus. Another emotion I get is over projecting to hypothetical futures and imagining how I won't be able to cope or manage e.g...
  8. J

    Describe the Anxiety and Emotions Tinnitus Causes You

    The main issue other than the obvious constant ringing is the emotions that tinnitus creates inside you. I haven't really seen this discussed on the forums, so I thought it might be useful to share. Tinnitus gives me a sort of paralysis feeling, in that I don't feel stable or strong enough to...
  9. J

    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Tinnitus

    My assumption was that tinnitus purely existed within the nerves and emitted no actual sound, however, the prior comment went agaisnt that directly. In addition I read another comment stating that tinnitus was the brain making a noise which the ears could hear which again sort of implied a...
  10. J

    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Tinnitus

    Is that true?
  11. J

    Tinnitus That Switches Ears — Anybody Else?

    I have this too, my tinnitus lives in my left ear and the centre, but often softens in the left ear into an on off long hissing sound. My right ear and centre then provides a continuous high pitch sound. The odd thing is when the hiss sometimes switches from the right to the left in an...
  12. J

    Tinnitus Spike After Being Exposed to Fighter Jets / Period of Stress

    No problem. Please do be wary of any potential side effects. On my side I haven't noticed any issues and it has helped me through some tough times.
  13. J

    Tinnitus Spike After Being Exposed to Fighter Jets / Period of Stress

    Mirtazapine helps me sleep, either 15 or 30 mg just before bed.
  14. J

    To Whomever Needs Some Words of Hope — Tinnitus Is Only a Noise

    No worries, it's absolutely insane that such loud items can be sold without any hearing warning... It's the biggest regret of my life purchasing a blender.
  15. J

    To Whomever Needs Some Words of Hope — Tinnitus Is Only a Noise

    Hello Chad, sorry to hear yours was caused from a food blender, mine was too. Could I ask what brand and model it was?