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  • Hi, I am quite certain my lower back L5S1 is causing my toes to sting but not sure if my neck nerves are causing the noise today. It could just be noise exposure damage. Waiting for Autifony could be a long time. I will resort to other meds for now.
    Hi! Yes I would imagine lower back would cause we gotta wait so long for autofony
    I wonder how long some of us can hold on? My noise went up yesterday from riding my bike and neck adjustments at chiro. Just took Klonopin 1 mg to calm the hissing down. Neck caused T is supposed to be the loudest kind. Sucks yeah that we don't have something to lower are noise within a hour or so when it spikes.
    doing better today. I seen a chiropractor within Mayo yesterday and he adjusted my Sacroiliac and said it was 1/4 to 3/8 inch off and also used some electrical device. I don't know why that would make my noise less though?
    The T still could be from C5C6 compressed nerves but to get someone to do something about it is difficult. The Dr. yesterday didn't think I needed a fusion yet so i will ask about dexamethasone injections to the neck. Maybe trigger point injections too.
    Thanks for sound like your in the same boat as mi can't get doctor to do anything either.they have mentioned trigger point injectons.and I went and got splint adjusted yesterday for my tmj and he made it a flate plane splint so we will see. Hope you find some relief!!! Plead keep me updated yes my ortho doc.said no fusion in my neck right jaw is crunchy .
    Well the ortho Dr. I seen today didn't think my noise was coming from my neck so back to the drawing board. Maybe neck muscle caused or inner ear or TMJ disorder? My left TMJ is very crunchy. I might try botox injections in my left TMJ along with continued use of elastic mandibular advancer. An ATA reference person told me years ago to get on a antidepressant, so that might be the best thing to do for now. was quiet screaming hope all goes good for you. Tomm!!please keep me updated!!!
    Hi, I hope your noise isn't bothering you too bad. I'm going to Mayo Rochester tomorrow to check out my back and neck.
    hi hope you are doing better. I started wearing my 24/7 splint again to see if it helps...:(
    Jeannie, It was nice to see Carl Horton's post. Maybe it is compressed neck nerves? I had PT today and traction and my noise is very loud. Are you doing any better?
    Is your noise loudest upon awakening in the morning or after a nap?
    my noise varies so much, one minute it might be loud the next down to s 2 , and in the mornings its varies the same way...I just went to chiropractor and had c2 adjusted and it was loud when I went in , when I came out it was lower....
    Jeannie, If there is a nerve pinched, some kind of decompression would need to be done like a fusion or ADR (insurance may not pay for ADR)
    Hard to say, but I've only been offered PT and gabapentin so far. I think the neck could be a possibility causing some cases of tinnitus, but it's doubtful that a spinal surgeon will operate without some kind of numbness or pain in your arms. I'm still checking this out currently.
    I have been in Pt 5 different times in past 2 years, and still neck issues and tinnitus. they said no pinched nerve in neck from mri, but opptical neuralgia doesn't show a trapped nerve on mri, you have to get a nerve block in the optical nerve, im hesitant because my tinnitus started after nerve blocks in my going to bring this subject up to my doctor the next time I go in,,
    Does anyone think there tinnitus can be caused by compressed nerves in neck/skull area?
    I've had my suspicions, my neck has been a problem since I got T, lots of cracking & feeling strained .
    kopesy, I have had neck issues as well... ive been told I have fibromyalgia, but I don't think its that.. hard to find a doctor to take any interest:(
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