Recent content by Jeff

  1. Jeff

    Dr. Douilards' Sonic Toothbrush Treatment?

    Amen to that brother!
  2. Jeff

    Dr. Douilards' Sonic Toothbrush Treatment?

    Thank you Eric. Life could be so much worse. I'm actually crazy enough to say that I enjoy it just to make it easier to get along! Be thankful for each day. Think a good thought before your feet hit the floor when rolloing out of bed, and the goodness will follow you throughout the...
  3. Jeff

    Dr. Douilards' Sonic Toothbrush Treatment?

    Hi Pete, As far as an exact reason for the T, not sure. Probably the numerous rock concerts of the 70's, and 80's. Led Zepplin, AC DC, etc. Always in the front row. Same goes for the raceway, and dragsters, motorcycles, drumming, electric guitars. Nowadays I try to remind the kids with their...
  4. Jeff

    Dr. Douilards' Sonic Toothbrush Treatment?

    Interesting concept Pete, Wife walked in while I was doing this and looked a little puzzled...Lol! You're right though. About a minute of "feel good". Can't do it while driving though unless it's one side at a time. If for no other reason, the ringing is a reminder that I'm still alive, and...
  5. Jeff

    Dr. Douilards' Sonic Toothbrush Treatment?

    Thank you for the encouragment. Im still reluctent to spend the $47.00 at this time, but have not ruled out trying it. Many treatments for many people I'm seeing. My T has not been to the point of insanity, yet it would be nice to lose it forever. I'll post again soon. My sons 18th today, and...
  6. Jeff

    Hi Calin, It was your posts that I first read when coming to this forum. I've read some of them...

    Hi Calin, It was your posts that I first read when coming to this forum. I've read some of them on UST, yet never got to the end of the thread for it was late at night. You were into your 8th week when I decided to turn out the lights. Has it gotten better up to now? I feel as though I've known...
  7. Jeff

    Dr. Douilards' Sonic Toothbrush Treatment?

    Hi Gang! Just joined, and good to see I'm not the only one out here with the ringing. Done tons of research on the web and always come back to the same thing. No real cure. Just a matter of time I hope. My ringing started decades ago with a kickoff of very low tones kind of like the humming...