Recent content by jer

  1. jer

    General Anaesthetic

    It would be really handy if everyone would mention what medications they used to be put under anesthesia. This can be done about a million different ways and this way we can learn what might be good anesthesia and bad anesthesia for use. It's not just one anesthesia that's being used for everyone!
  2. jer

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    @Jason_Cohen, I believe @attheedgeofscience had a good response to the treatment amongst others. I believe his tinnitus was brought on by autoimmune disease if I am not mistaken. The others who did well with this treatment, I cannot remember their cause.
  3. jer

    Prof. Tzounopoulos (University of Pittsburgh)

    Does the good professor still need additional funding? If so, did anyone ask him for any DIRECT links to get the funding to him?
  4. jer

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    @Allan1967 Is Susan Shore lacking in funding? What is going on?
  5. jer

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    @undecided Thank you very much! Me (and I am sure many others) really appreciate the updates. I am curious to see how it holds up over a longer period of time. It would be great if you could let us know as well if you have any setbacks due to new noise exposure, ototoxic medications or anything...
  6. jer

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    @undecided I am very happy to hear that you are doing so well after the treatment. Congrats! Would you be able to just update us every month or so on how you are doing? It will be able to give us (those people thinking about this procedure), and maybe yourself too a little insight if it really...
  7. jer

    Decibel Therapeutics & Oricula Therapeutics Anti-Ototoxic Applications (ORC-13661 / DB-041)

    When are they saying that this medication is coming to the market?
  8. jer

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    @threefirefour Hearing is not factual information about what is going to actually happen with this device. Speculation about possible release dates is not a good thing on this forum. Please states facts and not hearsay. We would love to know the source of your information. Was it someone that...
  9. jer

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Non-somatic means that if you cannot alter tinnitus with movements of your jaw, face etc right?
  10. jer

    Otonomy OTO-413 — Treatment of Hidden Hearing Loss

    @JohnAdams What does Curcumin exactly do for keeping your neurons alive? Is there any scientific papers regarding this?
  11. jer

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    And from what date on? So what date does the end of the 6 months fall on?
  12. jer

    Polish Specialists Develop Tinnitus Treatment

    @nills you are right. I did not see the date before posting it. sorry.
  13. jer

    Polish Specialists Develop Tinnitus Treatment

    No idea if this has been posted yet, but here you guys go. I hope it's useful. "Polish specialists have prepared a special device and software, which provides patients with both acoustic stimulation and vibration signals. The system uses Apple iWatch and special handset that delivers the...
  14. jer

    Prof. Tzounopoulos (University of Pittsburgh)

    As far as i can tell, yes!
  15. jer

    Long-Sought Hearing Channel Protein Found

    I hear what you are saying, but i don't believe that will happen. I think it will push us forward and not backwards because now it gets too confusing. Or did i misread what you said?