Recent content by Jesper

  1. J

    Hi I'm Jesper

    I has gotten so much these months, I am really desperate for some help. I now hear rattling sounds when engines and such make their noises. I cant listen to music anymore because some tones make noises. Its hard to explain but its almost as if the sounds splits in two, the original sound and a...
  2. J

    Hi I'm Jesper

    I got tinnitus 2004 when I was hit by a giant wave in the head when swimming. 2 weeks ago I went to a rock concert and it seems to have gotten worse.
  3. J

    Hi I'm Jesper

    I'd really like an answear to this. My tinnitus is low when there's no sound around but whenever the sound level increases so does my tinnitus. The rock concert was 2 weeks ago so Im still getting used to it. My ears seem to be a little more sensitive also. I've seen a doctor and he says...
  4. J

    Hi I'm Jesper

    Recently i managed to make tinnitus worse by going to a rock concert. It behaves a little different now. Everytime sound increases so does my tinnitus. The same when sound decreases. Is this normal?