Recent content by Jiktten

  1. J

    Tips for Internal Habituation?

    Thanks all, I like the meditation ideas. Does anyone have any particular techniques or guides they can recommend? I have to admit that I'm feeling a bit hopeless tonight. This afternoon I started reading a book which unexpectedly inspired the strongest emotional reactions I've had since I...
  2. J

    Tips for Internal Habituation?

    I developed tinnitus in early January, for no apparent reason. I've done all the tests and seen all the doctors and the outcome is basically 'we're sorry but there's not much to be done unless it goes away on its own'. I've had and continue to have some pretty dark days with it (especially as it...
  3. J

    Even My Tinnitus Is Weird — Any Ideas What's Going On?

    Thanks Michael, I appreciate the advice. It's good to know I likely won't be doing myself permanent damage by holding off on seeking therapy. I feel like the best thing for me to do if I possibly can is try to manage it while I wait out my job, then see what the tinnitus and the rest of my brain...
  4. J

    Even My Tinnitus Is Weird — Any Ideas What's Going On?

    Thanks glynis, I really appreciate the reply. I'm starting to think that my ENT was right and that my tinnitus is largely, or perhaps even completely, a symptom of psychological stress. When I saw him a couple of weeks ago, we went through my history and I explained that it's not so much the...
  5. J

    Even My Tinnitus Is Weird — Any Ideas What's Going On?

    I'm extremely frustrated and confused, would be grateful for any insights. Briefly, I woke up one morning in early January with ringing tinnitus. Went to the doctor, he said I had severe impacted wax in both ears from a decade of using earplugs to sleep. Started putting olive oil in to soften...