Recent content by jjflyman

  1. jjflyman

    It Gets Better — I No Longer Obsess Over or Notice My Tinnitus Most of the Time

    It was caused by noise. I used a riding lawn mower with a blown muffler for about half an hour, which led to severe ringing, fullness, pain, and sensitivity to noise—a 10 out of 10. It took two years to resolve, but it eventually faded to near zero. However, it left my ears more vulnerable to...
  2. jjflyman

    It Gets Better — I No Longer Obsess Over or Notice My Tinnitus Most of the Time

    It took close to a year for my hyperacusis to go away completely, but I am still sensitive to certain sounds. My tinnitus and hyperacusis were catastrophic at first—very loud and piercing. Yours may not take that long to resolve. It took nearly two years for my tinnitus to fade, but it did fade...
  3. jjflyman

    It Gets Better — I No Longer Obsess Over or Notice My Tinnitus Most of the Time

    Thank you for coming back to share your story. I experienced acoustic trauma about 20 years ago, and my tinnitus and hyperacusis were at a 10 out of 10. Over the next two years, they faded to near zero. Since then, I have had several other noise-related incidents over the past 20 years—just...
  4. jjflyman


    I’m sorry your tinnitus has not improved over time. Tinnitus caused by acoustic trauma often has a good chance of fading with time, which is easily confirmed through a quick search online. Twenty years ago, I experienced severe acoustic trauma for about 45 minutes. My tinnitus was at a 10/10...
  5. jjflyman


    @PeteJ, what part do you believe to be false?
  6. jjflyman

    Acoustic Trauma (Someone Wolf-Whistling Near Me) Induced Tinnitus: Is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy Worth It?

    I would just sit tight and give it time. In 6 months, this will probably fade away.
  7. jjflyman


    NAC is not ototoxic and won't cause lasting damage. Hang in there, it will get better in time.
  8. jjflyman


    There are many ways people develop tinnitus: head injuries, medications, infections, acoustic trauma, etc. Among these, acoustic trauma is probably the most common cause, but it also offers the best chances for recovery. If I could share any advice from my experience with acoustic...
  9. jjflyman


    I see that your tinnitus was caused by acoustic trauma. It seems to be only a month or so old, so here are some important facts: Most tinnitus caused by acoustic trauma fades over time, typically within 6 to 18 months. In many cases, it fades completely. No matter how loud it seems today or how...
  10. jjflyman

    Encouragement Requested: Sudden Increase in Tinnitus, Nighttime Especially Difficult

    Yes, it did mostly resolve—probably about 90%—but it’s still there, although quite mild. It’s something I just need to be cautious about, like avoiding loud noise and wearing ear protection in noisy environments. A few weeks ago, it started bothering me again, and I traced it back to drinking...
  11. jjflyman

    Encouragement Requested: Sudden Increase in Tinnitus, Nighttime Especially Difficult

    I’ve also been experiencing a spike over the past few weeks after years of mild tinnitus from a horrible noise exposure. It turns out that I started drinking a couple of glasses of red wine a day around the same time. For years, I had one or two glasses of white wine daily with no issues, but...
  12. jjflyman

    Noise Sensitivity, Ear Fullness, Ear Pain, and Tinnitus After Shooting a 9mm at an Indoor Gun Range

    The good news: Your sensitivity to noise will almost certainly improve over the next few months. Almost all cases of noise-induced tinnitus and hyperacusis improve within 12 to 18 months. You will very likely see significant improvement over the next year or two, possibly achieving full or...
  13. jjflyman

    Tinnitus from Loud Indoor Metal Concert — I Forgot My Earplugs

    Great news. I'm happy you are continuing to improve. My guess is it will continue to slowly fade until it is a non-factor in your life.
  14. jjflyman

    First Tinnitus Spike Since 2014 — From Having Mobile Phone on Speaker

    @biggy312, have you had any improvement?
  15. jjflyman

    Tinnitus from Loud Indoor Metal Concert — I Forgot My Earplugs

    I'm sorry this happened to you. If I can offer any advice, it would be this: People can get tinnitus in many ways, but acoustic trauma seems to be one of the most common ways. The good news is that most people who get tinnitus from a one-time event (not long-term exposure to loud noises like...