Joe johnson

I used to be one of those crazy BMX bike riders that never wore a helmet, momma always said to put one on but I never did and still I don't. I have crashed a million times doing crazy stunts on my bicycle but one time in particular I smacked the back left side of my head on the pavement and wound up with severe hearing loss and Tinnitus. It truly can be agonizing at times. I'm living with it day 2 day hoping that someday they figure out how to stop all these crazy high pitched screeching ringing pulsating sounds penetrating my brain
Because of my 24hr 7 day a week headache I've had for the last 20 years I can hardly stay focused enough to maintain employment. Im currently seeking disability but its going nowhere, Im finding it difficult to prove my case because technically im not disabled, my arms and legs work fine and I can do physical stuff better than most but my head hurts so much I need a nap every couple hours. Seems the only time I get any relief is when im sleeping and I often wonder if the tinnitus goes away in my dreams, does my sub conscious suppress it? I think so because when I wake for an instant I remember what was happening in my dreams and never do I recall agonizing over my head in my dreams the way I do when I wake :)

Member statistics

Dec 24, 1968 (Age: 55)
Bayonet Point, Florida
Tinnitus Since



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