Recent content by Joeymeatballs

  1. Joeymeatballs

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    So does that mean it will or won't exclude people with TMJ? Either way I can't imagine Michigan and Minnesota will have the same criteria, or I hope not anyway for everyone's sake.
  2. Joeymeatballs

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    TMJ is for sure an exclusion criteria? That makes no sense since @kelpiemsp has it and has had great success with this treatment.
  3. Joeymeatballs

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    The good thing about Lenire/Neuromod is at least we've actually seen data and research backing up their claims whereas other companies just slap some bullshit number on their website with no evidence.
  4. Joeymeatballs


    I agree, I think the definition of somatic is flimsy right now. People with hearing damage definitely seem to have somatic elements very often, and yet TMJ caused tinnitus is often referred to as somatic in its own type of realm. It’s all very confusing to me honestly.
  5. Joeymeatballs


    Ahh yes you’re right, it was somatic tinnitus that didn’t respond well. Sadly, that’s me. The good news is Susan Shore’s research is supposed to be better for people with somatic tinnitus if I remember correctly.
  6. Joeymeatballs


    Correct me if I’m wrong, but this device is solely for people who have noise related damage correct?
  7. Joeymeatballs

    Low-Pitched Tinnitus and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

    Hi Dr. Hubbard, I was wondering if you have have had any experience/success in treating people with low pitched tinnitus, and helping them get used to the sound. I have gotten used to the high pitched ringing on my own, but a new low pitch is absolutely ruining me. Please let me know, thanks. Joe
  8. Joeymeatballs

    In Need of Help/Advice in Relation to Low-Frequency Tinnitus

    Ive done an audiogram but not the other one. I set up an appointment with a specialist for 2 weeks and am going to have her test me for everything middle ear related because I also think that must be involved. The pressure imbalances were clearly caused by something.
  9. Joeymeatballs

    In Need of Help/Advice in Relation to Low-Frequency Tinnitus

    What do you use to mask the low humming? have you habituated to it?
  10. Joeymeatballs

    In Need of Help/Advice in Relation to Low-Frequency Tinnitus

    I've had tinnitus for a little over one year. Recently, I have developed a very low frequency tinnitus. My fan is decent for sound enrichment but not the best. Am really looking for coping strategies / masking resources / possible causes of the low frequency tinnitus. In addition, I've had...
  11. Joeymeatballs

    Do I Have Pulsatile Tinnitus? I Honestly Am Not Sure

    So, I've had regular 24/7 tinnitus since July. Constant ringing and all that. However, since October I have had another issue arise that seems somewhat similar to pulsatile tinnitus, but seems to have distinct differences. First of all it is much more of a feeling than a sound, and after...
  12. Joeymeatballs

    Finding a Psychologist

    Hi there Doc, I was wondering if you had any tips on finding a psychologist that helps with tinnitus. I believe CBT would be great for me, but even in my city (Columbus, OH) I can't seem to find anyone. None of the psychologists in my area seem to advertise for tinnitus help so I don't know if...
  13. Joeymeatballs

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I was also having trouble figuring this out, but after reading a peer reviewed paper last night on somatic tinnitus im 95% sure that increase in loudness is also somatic. I know one of the news articles I read said somatic only lowers it, but I am almost positive that was a mistake by the...
  14. Joeymeatballs

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Are there just too many? Because they were able to count the cells of mice, right?
  15. Joeymeatballs

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    From what I was just told earlier in this thread, I'm pretty sure FX is hoping that they're regrowth of hair cells will also repair the synapses. However, I agree that the imaging system needs updating. I haven't been able to seem to get an answer to this question: Say the FX trials go well, and...