John Meyer

Before working as a pharmacy tech. I worked 9 years on the Railroad and before that Construction, before that a Firefighter / EMT. There have been plenty of work inflicted noise damage. I have considerable hearing loss in my left ear and some in the right. The T is in both ears louder in the left. The sound is more like a high pitched herd of crickets, if you lived in the midwest at night in the summertime you might be able to relate to this sound. Or a high pitched siren is a close description too. It has gotten increasingly worse. PCP Doctor is usually useless in anything but sending to Audiology clinic. They usually test and suggest very expensive hearing aids. That have noise cancelling features. Which help hearing but not Tinnitus. Bottom line looking for relief with natural nutrition sources.

Member statistics

United States
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
noised induced hearing loss with Tinnitus.
Pharmacy Tech