Recent content by John Reid7

  1. John Reid7

    Bending Over, Yawning, and Pressing on Ear Cause Tinnitus to Increase

    I always have high pitched tinnitus regardless but when I press the temporal artery I hear a whoosh every single time in my left ear which is obviously because of a change in blood pressure. God knows how that can be fixed.
  2. John Reid7

    Tinnitus for 7 Years: Acoustic Trauma from a Loud Speaker

    As a side note guys, I read a lot about not wearing earphones. My question is if you only have hearing loss in one ear? Can you use an earphone in the good ear. Might be a daft question but I may as well ask.
  3. John Reid7

    Tinnitus for 7 Years: Acoustic Trauma from a Loud Speaker

    Thanks for that. One day I pray I can be tinnitus free. :)
  4. John Reid7

    Tinnitus for 7 Years: Acoustic Trauma from a Loud Speaker

    Went to ENT at Ross Hall Glasgow. Put in MRI machine. Conclusion left sided hearing loss. The high pitched buzzing is tinnitus. Just learn to live with it. Oh thanks On top of this my left side has always felt pressured, then a month or so later every time I blinked or frowned I could hear...