Recent content by Jovita1969

  1. Jovita1969

    New to Tinnitus, Since November 2015

    Alue, Both ears affected i think. I hear both of them hissing. I am scared the surgery will make t worse. So i put it off. Jovita
  2. Jovita1969

    Just Want to Say Hey and Let My Tinnitus Family Know I'm Okay...

    Ed thank you for your post. So positive for me to read this!! Thank you so muchb. Good luck on you t journey. I am working hard on shifting t to the side!! It takes work!
  3. Jovita1969

    Just Want My Life Back...

    Hi! I am new to this too. I am here to talk. I have noticed anxiety and stress provokes t to be louder so relax as much as you can. I started yoga & accupuncture. hugs to you on this t journey. Please msg me anytime day or night. I am in Houston time zone. Remember YOUR NOT...
  4. Jovita1969

    Just Want to Say Hey and Let My Tinnitus Family Know I'm Okay...

    Kathi & Ed thank you so much for the positive comments. I am finding comfort in talking with you all. Thank you.
  5. Jovita1969

    Just Want to Say Hey and Let My Tinnitus Family Know I'm Okay...

    @zorro thank you so much! So happy I can talk with someone going thru same thing as me. I am finding comfort here. Blessings!
  6. Jovita1969

    This Just Started 5 Months Ago!

    Sue Hi! So sorry about your losses. I too wake up crying. I think its the frustration & not hearing silence. It takes my focus away, mine us a hissing sound & sonetimes faint ringing. I heard anxiety can provoke tinnitus & i have had anxiety for years but i managed it by cycling. I do not...
  7. Jovita1969

    Just Want to Say Hey and Let My Tinnitus Family Know I'm Okay...

    Happy for you. I hope you get some more relief. I have this since Nov 2015. I am trying to cope with it. I was such a happy joyful person before & t took that away. The last 3 months have been hard. I am working hard at being positive & break the cycle & get better, this has had a huge...
  8. Jovita1969

    Will It Get Louder Than This?

    My sound is not loud just hissing, i hope you get relief.
  9. Jovita1969

    New to Tinnitus, Since November 2015

    Hi everyone I have tinnitus since November 2015. I woke up one day to ear popping in my right ear. I went to see an ENT & he told me i need surgery to fix a deviated septum and he told me I have T and nothing we can do about it. As days progressed I would hear thumping in both ears, my ears...
  10. Jovita1969

    Hello! Tinnitus Since November 2015

    Hi! Sorry about what happened to you. I have T since Nov 2015. It gradually got worse. I hope you get some relief. I am doing accupuncture & yoga to help rest & relax better.
  11. Jovita1969

    Just Started... So Scared

    I hope you feel better. I got diagnosed with tinnitus in Nov 2015.
  12. Jovita1969

    Thati i am in Houston too i am going to accupuncture specialist tomorrow. I then will try a...

    Thati i am in Houston too i am going to accupuncture specialist tomorrow. I then will try a chiro. I did call one chiro that specializes in tinnitus.
  13. Jovita1969

    SaraC if you google essential oils young living tinnitus it will tell you the ones you need...

    SaraC if you google essential oils young living tinnitus it will tell you the ones you need. Its several oils combined to make the recipe. Let me know if you dont find.
  14. Jovita1969

    hello everyone. In Nov I was diagnosed with tinnitus, it has consumed me. Would like to talk...

    hello everyone. In Nov I was diagnosed with tinnitus, it has consumed me. Would like to talk to more people that suffer from tinnitus.
  15. Jovita1969

    Thati hi I am new to tinnitus, well it sounds like ringing and hissing and sometimes its all day...

    Thati hi I am new to tinnitus, well it sounds like ringing and hissing and sometimes its all day long, I work in office environment and it bothers me. I am trying to find ways to help it go away, I started using young living essential oils and the ringing seems to diminish.