Recent content by JP619

  1. JP619

    Tinnitus Spiked from the Shower (Water Going Directly Into My Ear)

    Hi @Hardwell, Thanks for asking. It actually settled down early in the evening. Yesterday was a pretty good day. But last night and today it seems to be spiking a bit. I think the shower caused a temporary spike only. At the same time I'm stopping anxiety meds (which is one of the candidates...
  2. JP619

    Tinnitus Spiked from the Shower (Water Going Directly Into My Ear)

    Hi, While in the shower this morning I bent down and got quite a lot of water going directly into my ear. And I mean directly into the ear, probably for about 20 or 30 seconds. I didn't really think much about it at the time as I obviously shower every day and it's never caused a spike in the...
  3. JP619

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I've developed tinnitus 2 weeks after taking Duloxetine (Cymbalta) for other reasons, so am thinking about stopping. I'm a bit confused as it's sometimes used for treating tinnitus. Anyone else develop tinnitus after taking it?
  4. JP619

    Tinnitus from Diabetes/Peripheral Neuropathy or Duloxetine/Cymbalta?

    Thanks everyone. I’ve been looking on Amazon here in the UK at pillow speakers. A few are bone conduction. I’ve seen some folks say that’s no good for tinnitus. Is that correct?
  5. JP619

    Tinnitus from Diabetes/Peripheral Neuropathy or Duloxetine/Cymbalta?

    Thanks guys. No headphones it is then - I hope my wife is in a generous mood! I don't think my tinnitus has been caused by sound. I think it's either neuropathy (linked to diabates) or medication. It came on in both ears within a matter of days of taking new medication about 2 weeks after I...
  6. JP619

    Tinnitus from Diabetes/Peripheral Neuropathy or Duloxetine/Cymbalta?

    Thanks Michael, Your reply has raised a question in my mind. I’m currently (just about) managing to get sleep at night by listening to ‘tinnitus blocking’ background noise videos on YouTube. I’m using headphones for this as the noise will keep my wife awake. I’ve been trying to dial the sound...
  7. JP619

    Tinnitus from Diabetes/Peripheral Neuropathy or Duloxetine/Cymbalta?

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. About 4 weeks ago I developed what doctors think is peripheral neuropathy. That's still being investigated, I'm a type 1 dianetic (although quite well controlled so it's a bit of a mystery). The doctor has subsequently put me on Duloxetine to manage pain...