Recent content by jserrent

  1. jserrent

    Low Tones Getting Better But Horrible High-Pitched Tones Now

    Looks like you might need a sleep aid like Ambien temporarily much as I hate to see you add another drug. As for the sound masking....I doubt you can mask all of the frequencies. In my case the lower mid sound diverted my listening to it rather than trying to mask the same...
  2. jserrent

    Low Tones Getting Better But Horrible High-Pitched Tones Now

    This isn't a resolution, but possibly a workaround to get you some sleep. There's a great freebie program called Simply Noise... I had more high frequency clusters of noise and found a setting on the program called Brown Noise. Brown Noise is a warmer low mid with a little bass if you tweak it...
  3. jserrent

    A Reprieve for Aggrenox... Booooo for Percocet

    I wrote about 1 1/2 years ago....coming out of the hospital from what I'll call a minor TIA ..... really convinced that the culprit for a constant tinnitus was a drug called Aggrenox. There were lots of disagreements.... I had switched from Aggrenox to Plavix + baby aspirin and thank God the...
  4. jserrent

    Just a Warning About Ototoxic Drugs...

    Actually Z, I have noticed that since my T did not totally dissappear after I discontinued the aggrenox, not only are sounds being generated in my head...both sides....but the threshold I used to have for loud sound has greatly diminished. The tinnitus increases in volume if I am exposed to...
  5. jserrent

    Just a Warning About Ototoxic Drugs...

    You're right, I do get worked up about this, because I feel I failed to move to an alternative more quickly. And the debate still goes on about Aggrenox vs. Plavix + baby aspirin. Bleeds are higher, not by much, with Aggrenox. Also I didn't come to this decision willy nilly........I let the...
  6. jserrent

    Just a Warning About Ototoxic Drugs...

    Correction...each aggrenox has 1 25mg aspirin tablet in it. Usual dose is 2 each day. 50mg. Definite interaction between the dipyridimol and aspirin. Warnings to get off immediately if tinnitus developed in the literature. Dr. J. Serrenti ( phd. Music
  7. jserrent

    Just a Warning About Ototoxic Drugs...

    Here's the part most people don't understand about Aggrenox. The second element in the drug turns the 50 mg. Does not only inhibit the aggregation of platelets, but it enhances the action of the aspirin much more than the 50mg. Dose. It also is a vasodilation which has the modified aspirin...
  8. jserrent

    Just a Warning About Ototoxic Drugs...

    Hi.... An orchestra / marching band director as well as a professional musician for over 35 years ...... only to have what looks like permanent tinnitus from taking 6 months worth of Aggrenox as followup treatment for a minor TIA. What a vile drug ....headache every day, than the ringing...