Recent content by jspeakman

  1. J

    Intermittent Unilateral Tinnitus — Short Bursts of Static/Buzzing/Crackle with Silence in Between

    I wonder if I really do have tinnitus as such Initially it comprised regular 5 second bursts of static like noise repeated every 30 second, quite loud and only affecting my left ear. It has now subsided thankfully to about a 5 to 10 second bursts but only triggered by distinctive ambient...
  2. J

    Intermittent Unilateral Tinnitus — Short Bursts of Static/Buzzing/Crackle with Silence in Between

    Just wanted to thank people for their generous and very helpful contributions. Feeling much more positive, particularly as severity seems to be subsiding. Happy New Year! Jeremy
  3. J

    Intermittent Unilateral Tinnitus — Short Bursts of Static/Buzzing/Crackle with Silence in Between

    Thank you so much George - very inspiring and helpful. Hopefully this will go away as it did last time but I am fortunate to be a practising Buddhist which is really helpful in tackling this kind of change in a positive way. I would like to know if others have experience of the same kind of...
  4. J

    Intermittent Unilateral Tinnitus — Short Bursts of Static/Buzzing/Crackle with Silence in Between

    Hi there. I would be very grateful for any advice on my tinnitus which started about 2 weeks ago. I have had it before about 2 years ago but it did go away after about a week. Both this and the time before in my left ear only. It is intermittent comprising about a 5 second burst of loud...