Recent content by Juha

  1. J

    Low-Pitched Humming / Droning / Rumbling Tinnitus — Mostly Triggered by Low-Pitched Sounds

    To be honest I don't know what has caused my normal high frequency tinnitus. I'm in my thirties and have felt my right ear being quite sensitive to sounds for a very long time. I have been listening to music with headphones a lot over the years and maybe sometimes too loud. Maybe I have damaged...
  2. J

    Low-Pitched Humming / Droning / Rumbling Tinnitus — Mostly Triggered by Low-Pitched Sounds

    I went to see a GP and she was pretty certain my low hum is a neck and shoulder related issue caused by tight muscles. Especially when I told her I have sometimes mild neck related vertigo and nausea as well and long history of tight shoulder muscles. Those issues comes and goes however. I'm a...
  3. J

    Low-Pitched Humming / Droning / Rumbling Tinnitus — Mostly Triggered by Low-Pitched Sounds

    Sorry to hear your humming returned and you are having a hard time. I find your post quite hopeful nevertheless as you were able to find a way to reduce the humming and I believe your situation will improve this time as well. Is this new humming result of some peak of depression or anxiety...
  4. J

    Low-Pitched Humming / Droning / Rumbling Tinnitus — Mostly Triggered by Low-Pitched Sounds

    Hi @Benjaminbb, and thank you for your thoughts! It's nice to know there are other people with similar condition (even though I don't wish this to anyone). I have to try longer inhibition but I have had experience of two hour car drive and I can remember I had the hum right after I stopped the...
  5. J

    Low-Pitched Humming / Droning / Rumbling Tinnitus — Mostly Triggered by Low-Pitched Sounds

    Hi @GoatSheep, That sounds somewhat similar. Good thing is that you are able to use residual inhibition. If I find some noise that masks the humming (dish washer is pretty good) I will be back to humming as soon as the masking sound disappears. I have understood that many people find hard to...
  6. J

    Low-Pitched Humming / Droning / Rumbling Tinnitus — Mostly Triggered by Low-Pitched Sounds

    Hi koffee_monster and thank you for your thoughts! You made really good points and I am planning to go to see a GP in the near future. I have also thought about possible ETD or TTTS problems but haven't found clear link to those. There are some similarities indeed. I don't have ear pain though...
  7. J

    Low-Pitched Humming / Droning / Rumbling Tinnitus — Mostly Triggered by Low-Pitched Sounds

    Hello everyone, I've been reading this forum but now I created a profile hoping to find any support from others who have perhaps similar symptoms as I do. Humming started around nine months ago in my right ear. I might have also had similar symptoms before but on a smaller scale. What I hear...