Recent content by Julia Garrett

  1. Julia Garrett

    Running (Exercise in General) and Tinnitus

    Just adding my experiences. Whenever I try and jog now (which I did yesterday and then regretted it after though loved it at the time) it spikes my tinnitus which it really frustrating. I also did a high impact Zumba Strong class which made the tinnitus much worse for several days. I’m going to...
  2. Julia Garrett

    Can Magnesium Cause Increased Tinnitus?

    I don't take any supplements or medication of any kind any more as they all spike my tinnitus. I have endolymphatic hydrops.
  3. Julia Garrett

    Indroducing Myself, First Time with Tinnitus — It Started Randomly

    Good luck Foam. It's all so random isn't it. I just think I've worked this thing out then the goalposts shift again. Never give up. I cope with a white noise hearing aid and very restricted diet.
  4. Julia Garrett

    Tinnitus / Hyperacusis for 3 Months — What Should I Do Next? Specialist to See? Tests to Have?

    Also, I use an in ear tinnitus masker and take valium for sleeping issues if I get desperate, otherwise I fall asleep.with music, usually gospel or something relaxing. Let me know how it goes. Mine has completely changed my life but I'm getting through. My main problem is I can't find anyone who...
  5. Julia Garrett

    Tinnitus / Hyperacusis for 3 Months — What Should I Do Next? Specialist to See? Tests to Have?

    Hi zazzeus. Your symptoms sound exactly like mine and I have Endolymphatic hydrops. Look it up and see if it fits. I have episodes where it is bad for 3 months 24/7 then it calms down and I have more settled patches but I eat a strict diet, no salt, spices, caffeine, alcohol, sulfites...
  6. Julia Garrett

    New to Forums! I've Had Tinnitus for More Than 3 Years

    Hi Shay, I agree it sounds like Menieres. I think I have a form of it too. I also can get worse in the car and I control my diet, no caff, alcohol, salt. GP cannot help much, they don't know enough about it and even with ENT can be a long road to diagnosis. Experiment with your diet and see if...
  7. Julia Garrett

    Tinnitus Is Like a Volcano

    Hi, thanks for the reply. The ENT won't diagnose full blown Menieres. I do have a lot of the symptoms though. Do you have Menieres?
  8. Julia Garrett

    Tinnitus Is Like a Volcano

    Hi, I have tinnitus from endolymphatic hydrops. It's like lava erupting in my inner ear. In a good patch I can go for months without significant tinnitus but then I'll have very loud, low tinnitus and fluctuating hyperacusis. I control diet to the Nth degree, no salt, caffeine, alcohol...