Recent content by Kah Povi

  1. Kah Povi

    How to Stay Positive with Severe Reactive Tinnitus?

    I’m certain that anxiety is a major factor in causing tinnitus spikes for me. So, focusing on reducing anxiety is key, though it can be challenging. I have some beliefs that might resonate with others—one being that my tinnitus worsens with excessive use of digital devices. Since my tinnitus...
  2. Kah Povi

    My 3rd Success Story with Noise-Induced Tinnitus

    I keep a folder of stories from Tinnitus Talk that help me get through the rough times. I just added your post to that folder and appreciate so much that you shared your story.
  3. Kah Povi

    Tinnitus Relapse After Nearly a Decade of — From Extreme Stress / Anxiety Disorder?

    Yes - I have had a spike that lasted a long time. And I understand your worry for sure. I'm a practicing Zen Buddhist who isn't very enlightened :) but I've been encouraged to develop some radical acceptance of what seems unacceptable. "Some" is the operative word -- it's not always easy to...
  4. Kah Povi

    Tinnitus Relapse After Nearly a Decade of — From Extreme Stress / Anxiety Disorder?

    I hear you. I wish others would respond; I'd like to hear other takes on this issue. I think there's a direct correlation between anxiety and tinnitus spikes. There are just times when things fall apart, such as health and relationships, and the tinnitus seems like a cry for help or an alarm...
  5. Kah Povi

    More Than 2 Years of Tinnitus — Noise Induced, Made Worse by Anxiety

    Anxiety isn't the cause of tinnitus, but in my humble opinion it contributes to the persistence of tinnitus. People who are more likely to obsess and focus on the sound suffer more and can perceive it as louder. There are plenty of people with hearing loss who don't suffer from tinnitus or are...
  6. Kah Povi

    Big Tinnitus Spike — Panic Alarm? Acetone? Late Nights?

    Drugs can give a huge relief. We shouldn't malign ourselves for taking them. We're lucky to have something to help. Other things that help me are tennis (when I'm on the court, miraculously I don't hear the t and it is way lower until I get in the car and check in with it - sigh). In the...
  7. Kah Povi

    Big Tinnitus Spike — Panic Alarm? Acetone? Late Nights?

    These spikes are scary and create a loop -- whatever the trigger was to the spike, the spike itself becomes a trigger to more anxiety; and I believe that anxiety is a huge part of the tinnitus story. Like you, I also try to stop the loop by taking what I consider a "no-no" drug -- to at least...
  8. Kah Povi

    If You Shake the Anxiety, You Lose the Suffering

    And like Jori, I would also like to be able to contact you. I couldn't see a way of contacting you privately on your profile page.
  9. Kah Povi

    If You Shake the Anxiety, You Lose the Suffering

    Thank you for this clear and helpful reflection of what many of us are experiencing. To me the issue is anxiety. When I come back to this forum, I know that I'm falling in the hole of dread again. I only view success stories, which is what brought me to this thread and I'm grateful for what...
  10. Kah Povi

    What Is the Difference Between Those Who Get Beyond Tinnitus and Those Who Don't?

    Good points - I use my two brothers because we're in the same gene pool, so it gives me hope that my T can go away. But my sister and another brother have loud T and aren't bothered by it. I can't deny my own experience that when I'm able to focus on something besides myself and when I am...
  11. Kah Povi

    What Is the Difference Between Those Who Get Beyond Tinnitus and Those Who Don't?

    I want to add that when I asked brother #1 a few years ago if he had tinnitus he thought for a minute and said, "I think I heard some ringing in my ears for a while, but it went away. o_O
  12. Kah Povi

    What Is the Difference Between Those Who Get Beyond Tinnitus and Those Who Don't?

    I come and go on this forum because sometimes I need the support it offers and sometimes I need to stay away from any obsession with tinnitus. I'm here to simply ask why some people, such as my 78 year old brother with severe hearing loss, don't experience tinnitus as a problem ( in his case...
  13. Kah Povi

    A Brilliantly Worded Tinnitus Success Story

    I'm so grateful for this thread. I've had some remarkably quiet days and then periods when the tinnitus seems unbearable. I believe that dealing with tinnitus in the way that Aly wrote about and in the way that many wise people on these forums have mentioned is ultimately a path that's about a...
  14. Kah Povi

    Reducing Anxiety Is Key

    I'll summarize my experience first for those of you who don't know me, doing so with a slightly different spin now that I've been a "student" of tinnitus since March 2015. Before that I had T for decades - a mild form I hardly ever noticed except after loud concerts and when I tuned in for...